Naughty Natalie Returns To Please Her Son!-6
The next morning my mother had me take her brand new black full sized Hummer downtown to an auto customizing shop to have all the back seats removed, and customize the entire cargo area into a mobile weight lifting gym, so she could have a mobile workout weight lifting session, whenever I was driving her to female body building or power lifting contest. After I dropped the Hummer at the auto customizing shop, I then remembered that I hadn't turned on my cell phone since I turned it off last night, before my romantic evening with my freakishly huge, thickly muscular mother Naughty Natalie. As soon as I turned my cell phone on it started going crazy with incoming voice and text messages from my aunt Flo, and they all said; "TYLER WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU? CALL ME AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! I'M WORRIED ABOUT YOU!" I had to ride the bus back across town to get home since I had to leave my mother's new Hummer at the auto customizing shop for three days for them to complete the job. The whole 45 minutes I spent riding on the bus across town, I was trying to think about the perfect excuse for not returning to my aunt Flo's apartment for dinner last night, then as I got off the bus at my stop I knew what to say................."OH Tyler I've been up all night worried sick about you sweetheart." My aunt Flo said with a major sigh of relief in her voice when she finally heard from me. "Sorry Flo." I lied; "But when I got home last night to pick up the mail, I sat down on the sofa to go through it, and just fell asleep. I didn't wake up until about 10 minutes ago." "Oh OK sweetheart, I know you didn't get much sleep the other night because we were both too busy partying together for New Year's, but am I going to see you today sweetheart?" "Yea I'll be over later this evening Flo." I said; "Right after your daily weight lifting workout, so we could make love while you've still so freaking pumped up." "COOL TYLER!" My aunt sexually cooed into the phone; "I'm going to double up on every set of reps I do today so I'll be twice as freaking pumped up then I was yesterday for you sweetheart." Then right before we said our goodbyes I promised my aunt Flo that I'd be at her apartment by 7:30 pm.............While I was walking up our driveway I could hear the loud metal clanging sounds coming from our two car detachable garage that housed my mother's home body building gym. Instead of spying again on my mother while she was having her daily weight lifting workout from outside at the side garage window, I just got into the Camaro and drove off. My aunt Flo wasn't expecting to see me till 7:30 pm tonight, and my mother was busy in her own home weight lifting gym till at least 8 pm tonight, so neither one of them would have noticed that I was gone for awhile. I needed a little time alone to think about what was going on and how to tell Flexibility Flo not only did my mother return from California, but I was breaking our wedding engagement off with her as well, so I could marry Naughty Natalie instead. I was really worried about how my aunt Flo would handle our break up. Would she start crying and beg me not to break up with her, or would my aunt Flo's slowly growing anger that turned into such an obsessively jealousy get the best of her? And if it did? Then what would she do to me? Beat me up, I know that my aunt Flo had been seriously training with and added a sparing bag and punching bag to her daily weight lifting workouts. Now I was more then a little scare of what she'd do to me, if my aunt Flo found out I wanted to leave her for my mother! Then my mother who was now physically bigger and even more stronger then my aunt Flo was, could put a real bad hurting on me as well, if I tried to break up with her to be with my aunt Flo. What a real problem I had on my hands. No matter which woman I wanted to stay with, the other woman I broke up with might beat me up extremely badly, OR WORSE KILL ME! But an even bigger problem I had then worrying about either my strong powerful muscular mother and aunt beating me up, was that I WAS STILL IN LOVE WITH AND WANTED BOTH OF THEM! Then I received text message from my mother that read; "Babe, when you get back this evening from the auto customizing shop, I'd like to discuss the date for our wedding. We don't want our child to be born out of wedlock, now do we?" {WHAT A SERIOUS PROBLEM I HAD ON MY HANDS! I WAS IN A LOVER'S TRIANGLE WITH TWO POWERFULLY STRONG MUSCULAR WOMEN WHO BOTH WANTED TO MARRY ME!}....................Then an idea crossed my mind that I thought was great at the time, but I'd soon regret thinking about it. The great idea was; "Since my aunt Flo's apartment was fifty miles away by the bay, I could keep going back and forth between my mother here at the house and my aunt Flo's apartment, and neither woman would be the wiser that I was seeing the other one, since they weren't talking to each other any more. Then as I looked at the clock on the car's dashboard, I noticed it read 6:35 pm. "DAMN!" I thought out loud to myself as I started the car and drove to my aunt Flo's apartment; "Where the hell did the entire day go?" By the time I got to my aunt Flo's apartment I had one hell of a raging hard on in my jeans from thinking about my mother's freakishly huge, thickly muscular female physique and my aunt Flo's ripped and stacked bulging muscular female physique, that enhanced every one of curves extremely well, all day long! As soon as I entered through her apartment front door with a key my aunt had given me, I called out; "DARLING I'M HERE!" As Flo exited out of her spare bedroom that she had converted into her home weight lifting gym, she was wearing a black triple X T-shirt that looked very tight over her ripped and stacked, hugely bulging muscular upper body, while her two ripped, hugely bulging biceps stretched the material of her short sleeves out to their max. Stenciled across the chest of her black T-shirt that stood out extremely large from her two muscular erect coconut sized muscular tits read in big colorful letters; "I'D FLEX BUT I DON'T WANT TO DESTROY MY NEW T-SHIRT!" And the tight black spandex bicycle shorts my aunt was also wearing only looked spray painted over her two beefy huge, thickly muscular thighs and her two basketball sized, hugely thick, beefy muscular gluts! "Hey sweetheart I'm glad you've finally come back to me." My aunt Flo said as she wrapped both of her powerfully strong, beefy ripped muscular arms around my waist and pulled me in closer to her, so we could have a very long romantic kiss....................After our kiss my aunt said while she was still holding me in her two powerfully strong, beefy ripped muscular arms; "You've been a very bad boy Tyler by not calling me, and letting me know where you disappeared to for the past twenty four hours. You had me very worried sick about you sweetheart, and I should punish you by not letting you muscle worship or having muscle sex with me tonight." "BUT FLO!" I said now begging like a little child who really wanted something extremely badly; "I ALREADY TOLD YOU I WAS SORRY AND HOW I JUST FELL ASLEEP ON MY SOFA!" "Oh OK Tyler." My aunt Flo said in a very forgiving tone; "I'll let it go this time sweetheart, BUT DON'T YOU EVER DO IT AGAIN TO ME TYLER! From now on you are to always call me every few hours and let me know where you are and what time you'd be home every day." My aunt Flo now said in an even more dominating controlling tone as she slid her powerfully strong right hand down and slowly started squeezing my crotch tightly till it hurt; "BECAUSE IF YOU EVER DO IT AGAIN I'LL HUNT YOU DOWN LIKE A FUCKING DOG, AND IF I FIND OUT THAT YOU'VE BEEN MUSCLE WORSHIPPING AND HAVING SEX WITH ANOTHER FEMALE BODY BUILDER, I'LL CUT YOUR RAGING HARD ON PENIS OFF YOUR TWO TIMING MALE BODY, AND HANG IT FROM THE REAR VIEW MIRROR IN MY CAR, DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME TYLER?" "Yes, yes I do Flo." I stammered in pure fright of what my aunt might do to me, specially if she had found out that I was really with my now freakishly huge, thickly muscular mother, Naughty Natalie last night at home, where I muscle worshipped her and made love to her on the bear skin rug in front of a roaring fire in the fireplace. "Good boy." My aunt smiled at me sweetly as she released her tight grip on my crotch; "I'm glad we understand each other sweetheart." Then as she took my hand and led me down the hall towards her bedroom my aunt Flo said to me; "For awhile there Tyler you really had me scared." "How so Flo?" I asked. "Because for a moment I thought that Nat was back in town, and that last night you were with her." Then after we entered my aunt's bedroom Flo asked me in a very inquisitive tone; "Tyler, you haven't heard from Nat recently have you?" "OH GOD!" I thought to myself; "DOES MY AUNT KNOW MY MOTHER WAS BACK IN TOWN AND THAT I WAS WITH HER LAST NIGHT AT THE HOUSE?" But I replied trying very hard to sound sure of myself; "No Flo I haven't. You've the one who told me that Natalie had dumped me and wasn't coming back from Los Angeles California. After all this time specially after we had gotten engaged, why would you ask me that question?" "Oh I don't know Tyler, maybe because I was feeling a little insecure since last night until you called me this morning." My aunt Flo said as she started getting undressed so I could muscle worship and make love to her; "Or call it woman's intuition but I had very a strange feeling Nat might be coming back for a visit soon." "NO WAY! It's never going to happen Flo." I replied as I got undressed. "Yea you've right sweetheart I guess I'm just being silly. Now come over here big boy and muscle worship the hell out of you female muscle goddess." My aunt Flo giggled as she stood before me totally naked while flexing her two thickly huge, beefy muscular biceps, but as she flexed her muscles for me, my aunt still couldn't shake off the strange feeling she had about my mother possibly returning soon!..............As I ran my fingers slowly over my aunt's thickly bulging, beefy muscular arms, my aunt Flo's woman's intuition kept bothering her about my mother possibly coming back into my life and stealing me away from her, with her own female muscularity. As I moved my hands from her thickly bulging muscular arms to her two muscular coconut sized muscular tits, my aunt Flo thought to herself; "Flo you have to stop worrying about Natalie it's going to drive you crazy and ruin your relationship with Tyler! After all you've the one that Tyler had fallen in love with and he asked you to marry him, NOT NATALIE!" As I continued to move my hands south from my aunt's two muscular coconut sized tits to her 12 pack of solid muscular abs, that had several thick blue veins protruding up and down her flat, but extremely tight stomach, till I finally reached her thick beefy muscular vagina, where I started to lick and suck it like crazy, while holding on tightly to my aunt's two basketball sized muscular gluts with both my hands, a thought cross my mind................In this thought I could see as clear as day my freakishly huge, thickly muscular super mom's wide muscular back extremely knotted with beefy thick muscle. Her coil traps which unified into her two freakishly huge, thick beefy muscular shoulders, which flowed into my mother's two very well defined freakishly huge, thick beefy muscular biceps, which grew into two extremely huge muscular mountains when mom went into a double bicep pose as she turned towards me and said; "HAH! THAT BITCH FLO WILL NEVER BE HALF THE WOMAN I AM BABE!" Then my mother solidified her hugely thick muscular 24 pack of abs, jutting them out as physically hard she possibly could in dominance as she said in a bragging tone; "FLO WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO MATCH ME IN STRENGTH OR FEMALE MUSCULARITY! SO STOP PLAY WITH THAT LITTLE FEMALE MUSCULAR WHORE TYLER, AND COME HOME TO YOUR NAUGHTY NATALIE RIGHT NOW, UNLESS YOU REALLY WANT TO BE WITH A LOSER LIKE FLO, INSTEAD OF A TRUE MUSCULAR FEMALE MUSCULAR CHAMPION LIKE ME!"....................Then another thought crossed my mind. I some how got into this strange dream or parallel universe that I had some how fallen into, by wishing that my once 36 year old slightly flabby, out of shape mother could have been my own Naughty Natalie instead, so what if I made another wish? One that could not only even the score between my mother and aunt Flo in female strength and muscularity, but also have them both compete against each other, to see who would win and become my true female muscular goddess! Then a split second later after I had made this second wish, There was a loud clap of thunder that shook the entire building, while a blinding bolt of lightning flashed that blinded my vision badly for a second! End of Part 6
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