Jacqueline's & Tiffany's New Body Building Obsession!-3
The next morning I got up early at 5:30 am with Jacqueline so I could spend some time and have breakfast with my two body building muscular gals in the making before they both left for the daily weightlifting workouts at the women's virtual reality gym. Jacqueline made me a large manly breakfast of scrambled eggs, bacon, a stack of pancakes, and fresh brewed coffee while she and Tiffany both ate just a large plain spinach salad and drank a large eight ounce glass of a dozen raw eggs. To get my mind off of the sight of Jacqueline and Tiffany each gulping down an eight ounce glass of a dozen raw eggs, I turned to my daughter and said; "Tiffany I hear that you've got a new B.F.F. named Jane Allen." "Yea dad and let me tell you that Jane has not only been a cool B.F.F. to me, but Jane has also been very supportive these past three months while encouraging me to work hard at losing weight and getting in shape." Tiffany replied happily with a large warm smile on her young lips; "And dad I can't wait till this afternoon when you meet her." "This afternoon?" I asked my daughter. "Yea dad." Tiffany said with an even larger warm smile on her young lips then she had just a moment ago; "Jane is coming over this afternoon to have a girl's sleep over with me. Mom already said it was okay two days ago." "That's great Tiffany. I can't wait to meet your new B.F.F."........................Then I turned to Jacqueline and asked her while I thought again about the barbell that I saw last night sitting in the cradle of the weight bench that had one hundred and ten pounds of steel weight disks on it; "Jackie are you really bench pressing one hundred and ten pounds?" "YUP Jim I am. I've been bench pressing twenty sets of reps every afternoon after we come home from the gym while Tiffany spots me, then I spot Tiffany while she bench presses another twenty sets of reps." My wife happily said while feeling a great deal of pride knowing that she had really impressed me by telling me that, AND she now had the muscles and strength to prove it me anytime I wanted to see her physically do it. "Jackie if you and Tiffany are benching one hundred and ten pounds of steel weights twenty times a day, and there is ten reps in one set." I said while getting sexually turned on with a large erection growing in the crotch of my jeans underneath our kitchen table while I was trying to do the math in my head; "You are both bench pressing that one hundred and ten pounds of steel weights two hundred times each." "YOU GOT IT BABE!" Jacqueline chuckled, then said; "But it's getting a little too light for the both of us right Tiffany?" "Yea mom." Tiffany agreed as she was finishing up her large spinach salad and drinking down the last of her raw eggs; "I think we should increase the weight by twenty five pounds and each start bench pressing thirty sets of reps." "No way I'm going to let you slack off on our weightlifting workout program Tiffany, we've both in it for the long haul." Jacqueline said in her tough mother tone of voice that she had always used to get our daughter to do what Jacqueline wanted her to do; "As soon as we both get home from the gym later on this afternoon, I'm going to increase the steel weight disks on our barbell with another fifty pounds of steel weight disks, AND WE"VE BOTH, going to start bench pressing forty sets of reps each, of one hundred and sixty pounds of steel weight." Jacqueline paused for a second to think about it, then continued; "NO TIFFANY! Make that WE'VE BOTH going to start bench pressing fifty sets of reps each, of one hundred and sixty pounds of steel weight." "Okay mom you've the boss." Tiffany agreeably replied while I just sat there in shear amazement listening to my own WIFE and DAUGHTER seriously discussing lifting even more steel weight then I physically could! After Jacqueline drank the last of her own dozen raw eggs she then looked at the kitchen clock on the wall then turned to our daughter and said; "Tiffany it's now 6:20 am and we both better leave right now to drive downtown so the two of us wouldn't be late for our 7:00 am appointment to meet Dawn at the gym." "Okay mom I'm ready to leave when you are." Tiffany happily agreed as she got up from where she was sitting at our kitchen table and after washing her breakfast dish, she followed Jacqueline through the doorway that led to our two car garage and got into the passenger side of her mother's blue B.M.W. S.U.V. Then Jacqueline backed out of our garage and driveway, and drove downtown to the women's virtual reality gym with our daughter. As I was still sitting at our kitchen table finishing up my last cup of coffee while I listened to my wife's car driving away, I thought to myself; "In the past three months while I was away on my business trip in Japan how did my wife Jacqueline go from one extreme of joining a gym to get herself into a little better shape while helping our daughter Tiffany lose weight and get into better shape at the same time, to an ever greater extreme of both my wife and daughter become powerfully strong muscular female body builders?"......................{THREE MONTHS EARLIER!} At 4:15 pm while I was still on my fourteen hour flight to Japan after I had made my connection at Chicago's O'Hare Airport, my then very curvy, slightly well toned wife Jacqueline entered through the main entrance of; "The Women's Virtual Reality Gym," for the first time with our then extremely over weight, flabby out of shape twelve year old daughter Tiffany who protested the whole way there. After my wife and daughter met and sat down to discuss their fitness goals with their now personal trainer Dawn Allen, who also happened to be the mother of Jane Allen, who would become my daughter's future best female friend. At the time Jacqueline sat down to discuss hers and Tiffany's fitness goals with Dawn, neither my wife or daughter had any thought whatsoever of becoming a hugely powerfully strong, beefy, thick ripped, muscular female body builder, but within the next three months Dawn would change both Jacqueline's and Tiffany's female minds on that matter altogether......................Dawn Allen who was the same age and height as my wife Jacqueline was a lesbian ex-professional, middle weight, female body builder who was very attracted to redheaded women, and the moment that she met my wife and daughter, Dawn felt an instant sexual attraction to Jacqueline. As Dawn sat behind her desk explaining to Jacqueline and Tiffany who were sitting across from her, on how the new modern women's virtual reality gym program worked differently then the normal conventional workout programs at the other women's gyms, Dawn excitedly thought to herself as she continued looking at my wife; "OH GOD! THIS JACQUELINE IS SMOKING HOT AND I CAN'T WAIT TILL I HAVE A CHANCE FUCK HER FAST HARD TILL HER VAGINA POPS!".....................Fifteen minutes after Jacqueline signed the contract and paid for her and Tiffany's gym memberships, Dawn had both Jacqueline and Tiffany standing naked in two separate glass cubicles wearing virtual reality glasses while their two female bodies were physically working out on a very advanced, computer programmed, high tech Bow Flex exercise machine. As Jacqueline and Tiffany continued physically working out in a semi-hypnotic state due to wearing the virtual reality glasses, in the temples of both of their virtual reality glasses were computer sensors that read both of their subconscious female minds. As Dawn read the data on the computer in her office from both Jacqueline's and Tiffany's subconscious female minds, she started typing on the keyboard of the computer to make adjustments in both their subconscious minds, so Jacqueline's and Tiffany's two female minds could be reprogrammed to not only Dawn's way of thinking, but to also do what Dawn now had planned for the both of them in the near future. As Dawn was finishing up the reprogramming on both Jacqueline's and Tiffany's subconscious female minds, she heard a young girl's voice say from behind her as the young girl entered in the office; "Hi mom. I see you have two new female customers, and one of them is a redhead, just your type mom."....................."Hi Jane and you've right about the redhead she's just my type. Her name is Jacqueline Davenport and that fat little girl in the glass cubicle next to her is her twelve year old daughter Tiffany. For me to get in good with her mother I'm planning on having Tiffany become your new B.F.F." "UGH!" Jane replied with a discussed tone in her voice; "Mom you know I'm not a chubby chaser and I hate fat girls." "Relax Jane." Dawn said; "In three months time I'll have both Jacqueline and her fat daughter both on their way to becoming the two extremely physically fit women of both our dreams." End Of Part 3
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