Be Very Careful When Your Wife Starts Working Out At A Local Gym!-1
For the past 10 years of our marriage, I've been deeply in love both emotionally and physically with my wife Cathy, and I've always believed in and supported her in anything she wanted to do. When I met my wife Cathy 12 years ago, she was very energetic and had a very well toned great figure, not to mention a very hungry appetite for sex! One night Cathy came out of the bath room and entered our master bed room wrapped in a towel after taking her shower, and not looking too happy about herself. "What's wrong darling?" I asked. "Oh Stew, I just weighed myself, and would you believe I've gained weight!" Cathy said rubbing her semi chubby pot belly. "I'm 25 pounds over weight and look at this!" Cathy held up her right arm, and while swinging her under arm flab with her left hand said; "I'm turning into a chubby fat marshmallow!" I had been noticing a lot lately that my wife Cathy had be putting on some weight, and her once very well toned great figure was getting soft, not to mention how unattractive she was starting to look in her tighter clothes. That night, and for the next few nights our sex life hit a dry patch. My wife Cathy was feeling so fat and unattractive, that she wouldn't let me touch her at all! By Saturday morning I came up with an idea to not only get the extra weight my wife Cathy gained off her as well as toning up her soft jiggly, slightly flabby body up. I figured that this would help her feel better about herself and get her mojo back, and greatly improve our love making as well!...........I drove my wife Cathy to the Ocean County Mall where I knew was a Lucille Roberts Figure Salon for women. Once there Cathy signed up for a six week membership which I paid for with my MasterCard. Then every morning starting that following Monday, as I left for work, Cathy drove herself over to Lucille Roberts Figure Salon for women to do her daily work out regimen....... Unfortunately after 6 weeks of my wife Cathy's daily work outs at Lucille Roberts Figure Salon for women, the new work out regimen didn't seem to be doing a whole lot of good for her. My wife Cathy had been working out every day, 6 days a week for the past month and a half, and only lost a little bit of fat, as well as the all jiggling flab she was trying to lose, and looked a little slightly firmer then before. Cathy was still finding a great deal of jiggling flab around her body, and decided that it was time to try a different gym, one she could hire her own personal trainer to help push her to get the results that Cathy so badly wanted to achieve! One day on the drive home after her daily work out from from Lucille Roberts, Cathy noticed a new local female gym had opened up down town called Alpha Female Gym. When Cathy went inside to see about a membership, she noticed how seriously these other muscular female members were working out building their already extremely muscular female physics. Cathy liked what she saw and fantasized what her body would look like all pumped up with ripped, solid, bulging muscles! Cathy's first thought to herself as she stood there being very mesmerized while she watched these huge muscle bound women pumping heavy amounts of weights and flexing their huge bulging muscles in the full length mirrors around the gym; "If this gym couldn't get me toned up, no gym could!" Then she went to the main desk to see about a gym membership. That evening over dinner after I got home, my wife Cathy told me that she had changed gyms and joined a women's only body building gym, but being as tired as I was from a hard day at the office, I only half listened to my wife go on about the Alpha Female Gym, and my reply was; "That's nice darling, as long as that is what you want to do." Cathy took that as a "YES" meaning that I wanted my wife to become a big, ripped, muscular monster, of a female body builder!!..........It seemed that my wife Cathy got her mojo back over night after her first work out at Alpha Female Gym. Cathy hired a personal female trainer named Lisa. Lisa was not only a trainer at the gym, but she was also a professional female body builder and four time champion winner of the Miss Olympia body building contest! One look at Lisa's muscular body, and you knew this woman took body building very seriously, and that was the woman my wife Cathy wanted to be seriously trained by!!!!!!!!!!! End Of Part 1
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