A Mother Out Muscles Her Daughter!-The Final Chapter!
Early one morning as I was sleeping soundly in the master bedroom of the cabin that my mother in law had rented in the woods near an abandoned stone quarry, I was quickly awoke when Ethel pulled back the blankets on the queen sized bed and went down and started sucking and swallowing my huge erection as she was giving me one hell of a blow job! "Oh I'm sorry about waking you up Ricky." My mother in law said when she saw that she had woke me up; "But these damn Canadian steroids that I'm using are driving me extremely horny with wild cravings for highly enriched male protein testosterone sperm to feed my hungry, freakishly huge growing muscles." Ethel was only semi kidding about her extremely wild cravings for highly enriched male protein testosterone sperm, because ever since she started working out lifting weights to build up her body, my mother in law's weight lifting workouts would make her so extremely horny that she needed to release such a powerful sexual tension that it was totally unbelievable! While I was staying at the cabin with my mother in law, she'd come inside every a few hours from weightlifting her two, F-350 three and a half ton pickup trucks and boulders in the abandoned stone quarry, with a very wild eyed hungry sexual look in her eyes! Ethel would then pin me down on my back and start sucking my cock extremely hard like a straw, to fulfill yet another one of her extremely wild cravings for highly enriched male protein testosterone sperm, to again fed my mother in law's hungry, freakishly huge growing female muscularity, while she'd get us both sexually off at the same time! Ethel loved giving me blow jobs! After my extremely thick muscular mother in law finished giving me one of her powerfully strong blow jobs, Ethel would stand over me while she flexed a most muscular crab pose which caused every thick blue pencil sized vein in her entire hugely thick muscular female physique, to start wildly pulsating as they pumped huge amounts of blood to her unbelievable growing female muscles! "MY GOD WHAT A WOMAN!" I thought to myself as I witnessed my mother in law's private little flexing and posing show she was doing just to please me! Even all of my mother in law's the thick blue pencil sized veins in her super inhumanly thick muscular shoulders were beating as powerfully strong as Ethel's now super powerfully strong heart was beating in the left side of her freakishly gigantic, muscular pectoral chest, which caused an extremely loud; "BOOMING!" sound that resembled the combination of thunder and heavy gun fire at the same time! "AW!" My mother in law said with excitedly with extreme pride of the muscular results she was now demonstrating from all the hard work she had put in this past nine months working out lifting weights, as Ethel changed her crab pose into a double bicep pose that swelled up her two inhumanly huge mountain, boulder sized biceps; "WHAT DO YOU THINK RICKY? NOT BAD FOR A 57 YEAR OLD WOMAN AND I'M DOING IT ALL FOR YOU MY DALING CUBIN LOVER!" Then my mother in law got into bed and laid next to me, then she wrapped both her two inhumanly huge mountain muscular arms gently around my waist, and pulled me tightly close to her and we both started kissing each other very romantically as I jammed my huge erection into Ethel's extremely thick, powerfully strong muscular vagina and we fucked the shit out of each other for the next two hours straight! The only time I got any rest and a break from my mother in law's super human blow jobs and her extremely thick, powerfully strong muscular vagina was when it went to work.............But no matter what I was going through for my now extremely freakishly huge, thickly muscular, powerfully strong mother in law that was now the one and only female muscle goddess in my life, I was still extremely amazed at how in only nine months time Ethel had transformed herself into this older smoking hot female muscle goddess that now stands before me. Nine months ago my mother in law's once five foot six inch 230 pound extremely over weight body with her big sagging breasts that rested on her huge protruding pot belly that stuck out even farther then her two 44 triple D tits, with her two large flabby saddle bag arms and legs that once lacked any muscle tone whatsoever. Who would have ever believed nine months ago that the same very over weight out of shape 57 year old woman, would workout hard to become this extremely freakishly huge, thickly muscular, powerfully strong, smoking hot muscle goddess? Just the sight of seeing Ethel's sexy freakishly huge, rippling muscles swelling and bulging with each slightest body movement she did, REALLY TURNED ME ON, as I watched them every chance I got as my mother in law causally walked around the cabin on a daily bases! Since Ethel took the challenge to compete against my wife to see who could be crowned; "The Alpha Female Of The House," and win the $5,000.00, her starting weight was a very semi-soft flabby 230 pounds. My mother in law never bothered to lose any more weight since her and my wife accepted my challenge of who could become the most physically fit by September 6TH, 2015, instead Ethel had replaced her 230 pounds of fat flabby, out of shape body weight, with 230 pounds of solid rock hard female muscle, then she gained another 250 pounds of solid rock hard female muscle on top of that!................Not only was my mother in law's already, hugely thick, exterior muscular female physique growing even larger on a daily bases, but so was all her internal organs inside her hugely thick, muscular female physique at the same time, as Ethel continued using such dangerously huge amounts of those Canadian steroids she was injecting into herself on a daily bases! My mother in law's two lungs as well as her heart had grown so incredibly hugely strong and thickly muscular as the rest of Ethel's hugely thick, muscular female physique, that she now needed to inhale even more oxygen per second then ever before to continue her daily weight lifting workouts without getting dizzy and light headed, and without feeling like she was going to black out! My mother in law now started wearing two 1,000 pound oxygen tanks strapped onto her already freakishly huge, thickly muscular back that fed a powerful amount of oxygen though a hose into an oxygen mask, that Ethel would be wearing over her nose and mouth. As my mother in law sucked the increased amount of oxygen through her oxygen mask while she continued working out harder and harder every day building up her already freakishly huge, thickly ripped muscular female physique, Ethel's heavy breathing had become so incredibly loud, like the jet engines on a Boeing 787 commercial airliner in full flight, while her increasingly fast, extremely loud heart beat sounded like loud nuclear explosives going off one after another under her freakishly huge, thickly ripped, mountain sized barrel shaped, gigantic muscular pectoral chest! But what scared me the most about my mother in law's freakishly inhumanly daily weight lifting workouts, was how Ethel's face would turn a dark beet red from the heavy strain she was putting her body though working out, and how at the end of her daily weight lifting workouts she'd stagger almost like a drunkard till she collapsed into bed and fall asleep from exhaustion, after all she was a 57 year old woman!...............One evening after my mother in law finished sucking on my cock to refuel her extremely freakishly huge, thickly muscular powerfully strong body with my highly enriched male testosterone sperm to fed her growing freakishly huge thick muscles, I asked her how she turned all that fat flabby water weight into all that solid rock hard muscle so fast in only nine months. "It was simple Ricky." Ethel replied as she answered my question with a smile; "Working out lifting weights equals more muscle. More muscle equals an increased metabolism. An increased metabolism equals a faster weight loss of fat flabby water weight." Then my other in law picked me up and carried me to the queen sized bed in the master bedroom and after she playfully tossed me on to the queen sized bed where I landed on my back, Ethel said with a very wicked smile on her face as she mounted my lower body between her two powerfully strong, freakishly huge, thickly muscular legs and stuck my still huge erected cock into her freakishly huge thickly muscular vagina; "It's time for us to have another one of our female muscular worshipping and love sessions." Then as my mother in law started riding me like a busting bronco, we kissed very long and hard...............Two days later I stopped at our house to pick up the mail. Being that my wife Lucy had now left me after she found out that I was having an affair with her mother and was now living some place across town with her personal trainer Troy Steele at his condo, and I was living with my mother in law in a cabin in the woods near a stone quarry where she was secretly doing her daily weightlifting workouts, no one had been living in our home for over the past six months straight and our house seemed deserted. The only time our house saw any one of us these days, was when I stopped once a week to pick up the mail. When I took the mail out of our mail box I quickly noticed an important letter from a large law firm downtown that was known to handle divorces. "Oh well." I thought out loud to myself as I opened up this letter; "I knew it was just a matter of time after Lucy found out about my sexual affair with her mother that she was going to sue me for a divorce." And when I opened up the letter from the law firm and read it, I was right. My wife was suing me for a divorce for having a sexual affair with her mother. "SO WHAT!" I thought to myself; "Let Lucy divorce me and leave me for her personal trainer Troy Steele. After all, I'm quite sure Ethel's always going to be more of a muscular woman then her own daughter could ever be." Later that evening when I showed my mother in law the letter from the lawyer informing me that my own wife, Lucy Ricardo, was suing me for a divorce for having a sexual affair with her mother Ethel Mertz, my mother in law said happily to me as she held me in her two powerfully strong, freakishly huge, thickly ripped muscular arms; "This is great news Ricky. As soon as Lucy's and your divorce is final, you and I can fly to Las Vegas and get married." "That's great Ethel I can't wait." I replied with extreme happiness in my voice!...............As the date of September 6TH, 2015 was now only six weeks away, my mother in law who now had a major obsession in winning and beating her only daughter and being crowned; "The Alpha Female Of The House," and win the $5,000.00 prize. Ethel continued working out even harder lifting her inhumanly heavy amounts of weights, while she even injected even more dangerously huge amounts those Canadian steroids then any one human had ever used before in their entire life! Then just two days from our little competition on who would be crowned; "The Alpha Female Of The House," my mother in law Ethel Mertz, or my soon to be ex-wife Lucy Ricardo, terror struck in my mother in law's training camp! My mother in law's 57 year old body couldn't take any more of the daily forced extreme female muscle growth, caused by all dangerously huge amounts of those Canadian steroids Ethel had been injecting into herself on a daily bases, and her heart exploded in her chest like an atomic bomb, and when I came home from work that evening, I found my mother in law laying dead on her back in the driveway, with her right hand over her left gigantic pectoral muscle!..................As soon as I found her I called 911 and got an ambulance at the cabin. When the ambulance got there at the cabin, they couldn't fit my mother in law's freakishly huge, thickly ripped muscular body into the back of the ambulance because her female muscularity was bigger then the entire ambulance, so they got a tractor with a flat bed trailer, and loaded Ethel's freakishly huge, thickly ripped muscular female body onto the flat bed trailer with a two ton forklift, then after she was covered and strapped down on the flat bed trailer, she was then taken to the hospital, where a doctor diagnosed my mother in law's cause of death, by a massive heart attack caused by using too dangerously huge amounts of an illegal Canadian steroid. After we had gotten to the hospital, I called my now soon to be ex-wife Lucy on her cell phone, which my call went right to voice mail. Either Lucy was busy working out at the gym with her personal trainer and now lover Troy Steel, or she just didn't want to talk to me. I left her a voice message telling her how her mother had died after she suffered a massive heart attack from using too dangerously huge amounts of steroids. A half hour later Lucy sent me back a text message the read; "THE OLD BITCH IS DEAD! LONG LIVE LUCY RICARDO THE NEWLY CROWNED ALPHA FEMALE OF THE HOUSE! I'LL BE WITHDRAWING THE $5,000.00 PRIZE MONEY OUT OF OUR SAVING ACCOUNT TOMORROW MORNING, AND USING IT TO OPEN UP ACCOUNTS WITH MY NEW HUSBAND TO BE TROY STEEL!" And the next morning when the bank opened up Lucy withdrew her $5,000.00 prize money from our saving account..............At my mother in law's funeral only Ethel's sister Emily, her nephew Charlie who started his aunt Ethel on the path to female body building, and me showed up. My soon to be ex-wife never came to say her final goodbye to her own mother, so I never got to see how great a shape Troy Steel got Lucy in, and if she was now more physically fit then her mother was! ...........A month later I received paperwork that Lucy's and my divorce was finalized, Lucy then moved to Muscle Beach in California with her new husband Troy Steel where they opened up a body builders gym, and I'm still living in the same house surfing a singles female body builder website, trying to find a new muscular girl friend. The End!
thank you for this story. It was great