Naughty Natalie Returns To Please Her Son!-1
"Tyler!" Natalie Peterson called in the direction of her two car detachable garage from the driveway as she stood next to her 2013 Dodge Caravan. "Yes mom." I replied as I exited out of the left open garage door. "Tyler I'm going grocery shopping now and I'll be back in a couple of hours. Please clean out the storage room above the garage and put all the trash on the curb for the trash man to pickup tomorrow morning. "OK mom see you when you get back." I replied. Then my mom got into her minivan and after starting the motor she then started backing out of the driveway as I waved goodbye. As I was waving goodbye to my mother I thought to myself; "I wish mom would drive a cooler car like a Mustang instead of that soccer mom's van she drives. It's embarrassing to be seen riding in it by my all friends, and I don't even play soccer."............As Natalie Peterson was backing out of her driveway watching her son waving she had a smile on her face while she started getting slightly wet between her legs. Since Tyler had started puberty three years ago, he was now at the age of 16 and developing into a real man, which reminded Natalie more and more of his father Bruce Orlando, the man that ruined Natalie's new blossoming career when he had gotten her pregnant at the age of 19. After Bruce Orlando found out that he had gotten his then girl friend Natalie Peterson pregnant, he quickly left town late one night and left her to raise their son alone as a single mother. Even though Bruce Orlando was a dead beat dad and Natalie hadn't seen him in nearly 17 years she was still very much in love with him, or at least the memory of him. But now as her son Tyler was growing up into a real man in his own right and started to resemble his father a great deal, Natalie was now slowly falling deeply in love with her son Tyler. "OK Natalie." My mother said out loud in the car to herself as she drove down the street; "Stop having sexual thoughts about Tyler, after all he's your 16 year old son and you've his mother. If the state of New Jersey found out you were having sex with your under aged son, you'd be arrested for child molestation and end up in jail, while Tyler would be put into a foster home and you'd never be aloud to see him again until he was all grown up and you be an old lady by the time you'd be released from jail." Then as Natalie let out a heavy sigh of disappointment, she said out loud to herself in the car; "I wish there was away around the law that Tyler and I could be together as man and woman, instead of mother and son." Then there was a strange loud clap of thunder as a large blinding bolt of lightning flashed in the sky, which blinded Natalie so badly for a moment, that it almost caused her to drive off the road!................While the large blinding bolt of lightning flashed in the sky after the loud clap of thunder over my mother's mini van, I was busy across town cleaning out the storage room above the garage when a couple of boxes fell over on it's side and some pictures and photos fell out. When I tilted the couple of boxes right side up there was black magic marker writing on them that said; "Naughty Natalie!" As I started picking up the pictures and photos that had fallen out of the boxes which I happen to glance at, I couldn't believe my own eyes! There were photos of a younger version of my mother when she was between the ages of 16 to 21 years old, and in these photos my mother's younger female body was extremely well pumped and ripped from working out lifting weights. "DAMN!" I thought to myself as I started getting a very large raging hard on while checking out the younger version of my once very muscular mother; "It's hard to believe that my now 36 year old mother who now had a slightly pudgy pot belly once had a flat rock hard set of six pack abs, and her now thin slightly flabby saddle bag arms and thunder thighs, were once pumped to the max with solid rock hard, bulging muscles! My once now slightly flabby out of shape mother used to almost look like; "THE INCREDIBLE SHE-HULK, and she even entered a couple of female body building contests back in the day as well!"..............Then I started reading the old fliers about Naughty Natalie's two careers of being not only a very aggressively submissive professional female wrestler, but a very aggressive professional sexual dominatrix as well, for the first time in my life I was very impressed with my own mother! The hourly rate my mother charged for these specialized services were $300.00 per hour. I even found an old professional female body building card that was now expired, which was issued to my mother in February 1998. With my mother's expired professional female body building card I found an old letter in an envelop addressed to my mother with the return address in the top left hand corner that read; "MS. OLYMPIA FEMALE BODY BUILDING ASSOCIATION, PO BOX 98456, SANTA MONICA CA, 90067." "HOLY SHIT!" I then said out loud to myself; "I can't believe this! Not only was my mother once a professional submissive female wrestler and professional female sexual dominatrix, but she was also a professional female body builder as well who once entered the Ms. Olympia Female Body Building Contest!" Then as I took the letter out of the already opened envelop and read it, I then got a better idea of my mother's once secret identity of being; "Naughty Natalie," and why she had buried it in the past. The letter read; "Dear Ms. Peterson, We regret to in form you that you've failed the results of your pre-screening urine tests due to two facts that have caused you to be disqualified from entered the Ms. Olympia Female Body Building Contest on September 15, 1998. First you tested extremely too high in the usage of steroids which is not allowed at the Ms. Olympia, and the second is that you tested positive in being about 3 months pregnant with a child. We only hope at the Ms. Olympia F.B.B. Association, that you give up using steroids so that your child is not born with any birth defects, but that choice is yours." Then it was signed by a D.W. Griffin................."HOLY SHIT!" I thought to myself; "My mother was using steroids when she had gotten pregnant with me! BOY! was my mother a dangerous woman to be around back then in the late 1990's! Then as I wished out loud to myself that my mother could have been my Naughty Natalie, instead of being the slightly flabby, out of shape boring mother that she really was today, I said with all my heart and soul; "I wish that I was there back in the day when Naughty Natalie was in her prime!" Then there was another loud clap of thunder the shook the entire building, as another blinding bolt of lightning flashed in the sky which badly blinded my own vision for a second, as it filled up the storage room above the garage! As I slowly started adjusting my vision after the blinding white lightning flash had pasted, I noticed that the storage room above the garage that was once overly packed with junk, was now completely empty and the boxes with my mom's old body building photos that had the black magic marker writing; "Naughty Natalie," on them had vanished as well! "This is strange." I thought to myself; "What happened with all the junk I was trying to clean up and remove to the curb for the trash man to pick up?"..............Then as I climbed the stairs down that led to the right side of our two car garage, I couldn't believe what I saw! The right side of our two car garage was set up with all the weight lifting equipment to complete the perfect body building home gym with posters of famous female body builders covering the walls on the right side of our garage above all the weight lifting equipment. Then there was a monthly female body builder calendar that was hanging on the wall for the month of July and the year on the calendar read; "1997!" "That's impossible!" I said out loud to myself; "It can't be July 1997, because I wasn't born till June of 1999 and it's September 2015, or is it?"...............Just as I was trying to figure out if I was hallucinating or had really stepped back 18 years in time, I heard the roar of a fast sports car coming up our driveway and then as the left garage door opener opened up the garage door, a classic blue 1987 Chevy Camaro Z28 with it's T-tops open drove into the left side of our garage with a hot looking 18 year old blond driving it. Then a younger, more muscular 18 year old version of my mother, who I had just seen in those old photos in our upstairs storage room climbed out the open driver side door after she shut off the car's motor and hit the button on the automatic garage door opener to close the garage door. Then the younger, more muscular 18 year old version of my mother walked over to me with a real naughty attitude in her stride while carrying a brown bag that rattled when she walked. "Oh how I missed you babe." She said as she put both her strong muscular arms around my waist and pulled me in tighter with a powerfully strong grip for a very long romantic kiss, while she groped my now raging hard on! "MOM!" I said in total surprise from the sexual encounter I had just had with my own mother! "MOM?!" My mother said sounding very pissed off! "I'M NOT YOUR MOTHER AND DON'T DO THAT PRETEND MOMMY THING WITH ME TYLER, I'M YOUR WOMAN, YOUR NAUGHTY NATALIE, BUT NOT YOUR FUCKING MOTHER, GOT THAT!"............... "Yes Natalie." I said trying to sound very apologetic, then a thought crossed my mind; "My mother used my real name instead of my father's, but she sees me as her boy friend, instead of my father who she was really with back in 1997. "WELL IS YES NATALIE ALL YOU COULD SAY TYLER?" My mother said in a very dominatrix tone that said she was the one who was fully in charge of our relationship, while she just stood there directly in front of me with her hands on her solid muscular hips while her tightly defined baseball sized biceps flexed up and down in anger, which made the material of my mother's short sleeves of her white T-shirt stretch to it's full max then back to normal again with each bicep flex she did. "I promise I'll never call you mom again Natalie." Then I asked my mother to change the subject; "What's in the brown paper bag?" "Steroids." My mother said as she opened it up and dumped out six plastic pill bottles filled with little blue pills onto her weight bench. "Steroids?" I asked with a shocking tone in my voice; "Aren't they very dangerous to your health Natalie, and do you really need to use them?" Well look at me Tyler." My mother said with disgust in her own voice as she went into a very sexy full body pose with her 18 year old younger version of a more muscular body; "Every time I enter a local female body building contest at the Y.W.C.A, when they weigh me in the judges always put me in the feather weight division. But that's going to change babe starting right now. From now on I'm going to use these little blue pills during every one of my weight lifting workouts." My mother said as she picked up one of the six plastic pill bottles that held the little blue pills inside; "Because I'm going to bulk up like crazy to be able to compete in the heavy weight division of those female body building contests at the Y.W.C.A as soon as I can." Then my mother said with even more excitement in her voice; "BUT my real goal is to qualify by next year for my professional female body building card, so I could enter the heavy weight division of the Ms. Olympia Female Body Building Contest in Las Vega! The first prize for winning the heavy weight championship of the Ms. Olympia Female Body Building Contest is $100,000.00! And with that money we could get married and start a new life together Tyler, THAT IS, if you've still in love with me Tyler?" "Of course I am darling, are you ready to seriously start pumping some iron yet, and start your way to bulk up city?" Was all I could think of to say to keep my mother from getting mad at me again, in fact if my mother was going to start using steroids, then I was going to have to be very careful what to say around her, so not to get her angry and have a steroid rage on me! "I'll be ready to start working out when Flexibility Flo shows up."..................Before I could ask my mother who Flexibility Flo was, a younger more muscular, 18 year old version of my aunt Florence came walking in through the side door of our two car detachable garage, as she cheerfully said; "HI GUYS! I'M READY TO START WORKING OUT WITH MY B.F.F. NAT!" "It's about time you showed up Flexibility Flo." My mother said happily as she walked over to my aunt Florence, and as both women hugged each other, they started romantically kissing like two women in heat, while I just stood there watching them with my mouth open in total surprise at what I was witnessing! A moment later my mother turned to face me while she was still hugging my aunt Florence tightly, who was still kissing my mother's neck and said; "What are you looking so surprised about Tyler? You know Flexibility Flo and I are both bi-sexual lovers since high school, but don't worry darling we'll both give you your sexual pleasure later after our weight lifting workout."...............My aunt Florence was not related to my mother and me whatsoever. My aunt Flo who my mother kept referring to as Flexibility Flo, had been my mother's best friend since they meet in 7TH grade. I've always called her my aunt since as long as I could remember, BUT ALL THE TIME IN MY ENTIRE LIFE, HOW COME I'VE NEVER HEARD MY MOTHER REFER TO MY AUNT FLO AS HER BI-SEXUAL LOVER OR AS FLEXIBILITY FLO? WERE THEY KEEPING THEIR BI-SEXUAL RELATIONSHIP A SECRET FROM ME? BECAUSE NEITHER ONE OF THEM EVER WENT OUT ON DATES WITH MEN OR HAD BOY FRIENDS! The younger, more muscular 18 year old version of my aunt Flo was a hell of a lot more attractive then the older version I had recently known, who wore those ugly horned rim glasses and her long shoulder length, dark raven black hair, that was starting to slightly turn a premature gray. My aunt Flo's younger, more muscular 18 year old body, was a vast improvement from her 36 year old, pretty out of shape body, with her slightly flabby saddle bag arms, protruding pudgy pot belly, and her flabby thunder thighs. In the present about my 36 year old mother, I could understand that my mother stopped her weight lifting workouts and taking steroids because she'd been pregnant with me at the time, which caused her muscular body to get flabby and soft from lack of exercise and gaining baby weight in her pregnancy. But my aunt Flo was never married and never had any children of her own, so how could she as a muscular teenage girl also let herself get just as out of shape by the time she had reached her mid-thirties as my mother had? Besides my birth, could something else have happened here in the past, or will happen here in the past that could explain such a change in both my mother and aunt Flo only 18 years later?................Then my thought of concentration broke as my mother said; "OK Flexibility Flo time to pump some serious iron." "COOL!" My aunt Flo replied as her and my mother both started getting undressed and stripped down to their panties. Then as my mother picked up one of the plastic pill bottles that was filled with those little blue pills she said; "OK girl friend hold out your hand." After aunt Flo held out her right hand, my mother poured 8 little blue pills into it. Then after my mother poured another 8 little blue pills into her own left hand, both mom and my aunt swallowed them in one large gulp! A second later after the powerfully strong, super steroid energy kicked in, both women picked up jump ropes and started jump rope at such an extremely fast speed, and they both kept up that extremely fast speed for twenty minutes straight without stopping or even getting winded or breaking a sweat! After they finished jumping rope, my mom and aunt Flo worked on their core muscles by doing 50 sit ups and stomach crunches. Then both my mother and aunt did 50 chin ups on the bar and 50 pushups. Then both my mom and aunt moved over to workout lifting weights, and both my mother and aunt were lifting them like they were professional female body builders, as they pumped out rep after rep of every weight lifting exercise they did, at the same extremely fast speed that they had done earlier jumping rope and their cardio exercises! Whatever strange dream or parallel universe I had fallen into that had sent me back into time to the year 1997, for some strange reason normal logic or time didn't apply here! What might seem like a strangely wrong idea to do in the real world, worked here perfectly well here, and as for time it's self, what might have taken 8 hours to complete in the real world, would only take less then 90 minutes to complete here in my strange dream or parallel universe that I had fallen into! {A GOOD EXAMPLE OF THIS IS!} As I watched both my mother and aunt working out lifting weights, pumping out rep after rep, at an extremely fast speed then physically possible for any human being to do, with each weight lifting exercise both of them did, instead of my mother and aunt slowing down and tiring out as the number of reps they pumped increased, both my mother and aunt Flo seemed to have even more physical energy then before they started working out lifting weights! AND NEITHER ONE OF THEM EVEN GOT WINDED OR BROKE A SWEAT WHATSOEVER! Finally after what only seemed like an hour and a half in the real world, both my mother and aunt completed an entire cardio and upper and lower body weight lifting workout together, which should have taken them at least 8 hours or more to complete, in only 90 minutes in this strange dream, parallel universe I was now in!................As soon as my mother and aunt Flo finished their hyper speed body building workouts, they put down the weights they had both been working out with and just stood there staring at me with both their hands balled into fists which both my mother and aunt Flo held on their muscular hips, while their blue veins pulsated brightly like blue neon lights, as they continued pumping blood to their growing female muscles which were flexing even more wildly now then ever before! As they both continued to just stand there staring at me, I quickly noticed that both my mother's and my aunt Flo's eyes had a very wild crazy look to them, like if they had just been smoking a lot of crack cocaine, and my mother's shoulder length blond hair as well as my aunt Flo's shoulder length raven black hair, was wildly blown out, like someone had teased the hell out of their heads with a comb and a very powerful hair dryer! "You know what time it is Flexibility Flo?" My mother finally asked my aunt as she continued to stare at me with that very wild crazy look in her eyes. "Yea Naughty Natalie I do." My aunt Flo said without taking her eyes off me while she continued staring at me with that same very wild crazy look in them; "It's now time for the two of us to start working out on Tyler for awhile." Then both women quickly walked towards me and as my mother grabbed me under my left arm pit at the same time my aunt Flo grabbed me under my right arm pit and then they both lifted me up till both of my feet were at least six inches in the air. Then both my mother and my aunt Flo escorted me out of our two car detachable garage, across the backyard and into our back door. Once we were inside our kitchen, my mother and aunt Flo continued to carry me across the house and upstairs to my mother's master bedroom...............After the three of us entered my mother's master bedroom, she then locked the door behind us. My aunt Flo ripped all my clothes off, then both women sexually forced themselves on me! As I was pinned on my back laying in the middle of my mother's queen sized bed, both my mother and aunt Flo took turns with me while we all had an oral sex three way! When my mother was sitting on my face for me to eat out her now very strong muscular vagina, my aunt Flo was sucking my raging hard on and drinking my milky cream sperm. Then every so often they would tag team each other and switch places, so I could eat out my aunt Flo's very strong muscular vagina, while my mother was sucking my raging hard on and drinking my milky cream sperm! This continued to go on and on for at least a few hours till I finally ran out of milky cream sperm and passed out from either lack of oxygen or exhaustion, I couldn't tell you which. Then after I had passed out, both my mother and aunt sexually finished off each other by doing the wild 69 dance! End Of Part 1
great start, keep it going
Deletewhen will it be released
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