Naughty Natalie Returns To Please Her Son!-7
After the loud clap of thunder that shook the entire building and the blinding bolt of lightning flashed that had blinded my vision for a second passed, I found myself sitting in the front row of a large empty arena. I didn't know how much time has passed since New Year's day 1998, but I knew some how in this strange dream or parallel universe I had some how fallen into time again moved into the future. In the center of this large empty arena sat a huge heavy duty weight bench that held a four thousand pound steel barbell in it's cradle. As I was trying to figure out what was now going on I heard an announcer say over the loud speakers from behind the stage as the house lights dimmed and the spot lights light up the stage; "JUST BACK FROM LOS ANGELES CALIFORNIA WHERE SHE HAD BEEN WORKING OUT THESE PAST SIX MONTHS AT THE FEMALE MUSCLE FACTORY, WEIGHING IN AT 492 POUNDS OF 100% SOLID MUSCLE WITH 0% BODY FAT, THE CURRENT CHAMPION, NAUGHTY NATALIE PETERSON!" Then my freaking hugely, extremely thick, ripped muscular mother walked out from behind the stage curtains on the left side of the stage, wearing a very small leopard skin print string bikini, that left very little to ones imagination about her freaking hugely, extremely thick, ripped muscular female physique! As my mother just stood there on the left side of the stage, the announcer said over the loud speaker from behind the stage; "AND THE WOMAN WHO HAD BUILT UP HER OWN POWERFULLY STRONG MUSCULAR FEMALE PHYSIQUE IN HER OWN HOME GYM, WEIGHING IN AT 488 POUNDS OF 100% SOLID MUSCLE WITH 0% BODY FAT, THE FEMALE CHALLENGER, FLEXIBILITY FLO HENDERSON!" Then my now, even more freakishly huge, extremely thick, ripped muscular aunt walked out from behind the stage curtains on the right side of the stage, wearing a bright red string bikini that also left very little to ones imagination, about her own freakishly huge, extremely thick, ripped muscular female physique! I couldn't believe since the last time I was with my aunt Flo, her already ripped thick female muscularity had grown at least four and a half sizes in female muscularity and girth, and her body was now almost as freakishly huge, extremely thick, and as ripped as my own mother's was!............Then the announcer said over the loud speaker; "OK TYLER YOU ASKED FOR IT YOU GOT IT. TONIGHT BOTH NAUGHTY NATALIE AND FLEXIBILITY FLO WILL COMPETE IN BOTH STRENGTH AND POSING TO SEE WHO WINS AND BECOMES THE TRUE FEMALE MUSCLE GODDESS OF YOUR DREAMS! FIRST BOTH WOMEN WILL PUMP OUT AS MANY BENCH PRESSES WITH FOUR THOUSAND POUNDS OF STEEL TO SEE WHO'S THE STRONGEST! FIRST UP IS THE CURRENT CHAMPION, NAUGHTY NATALIE." As my mother's name was mentioned she causally walked over to the heavy duty weight bench and laid down underneath the four thousand pound barbell that was sitting in the bench's cradle, then she raised up both of her powerfully strong, freakishly huge, thickly ripped muscular arms, and after she got a very powerfully strong grip on the bar with her two hands, my mother then slowly lifted the four thousand pound steel barbell off the weight bench's cradles, and slowly lowered it onto her two hugely muscular watermelon sized tits. "OK NAUGHTY NATALIE." The announcer said; "YOU HAVE A TOTAL OF FIVE MINUTES TO BENCH PRESS AS MANY REPS AS YOU PHYSICALLY CAN WITHOUT STOPPING. WHEN YOU HEAR THE FIRST BUZZER BEGIN START BENCH PRESSING, AND WHEN YOU HEAR THE SECOND BUZZER STOP BENCH PRESSING AND REPLACE THE BARBELL IN IT'S CRADLE. ON YOUR MARK, GET SET, GO!" The buzz went off and my mother started bench pressing and pumping out reps with the four thousand pound steel barbell as physically fast as she possibly could! My mother then started bench pressing and pumping out reps at such an extremely fast speed, then was physically possible for any one human to ever do. Finally five minutes later the buzzer went off again and the large digital screen behind the heavy duty weight bench, said that my mother had bench pressed the four thousand pound steel barbell, 6,798 reps! As my mother put the four thousand pound barbell back into it's cradle and got off the heavy duty weight bench, she then walked causally back to the left side of the stage and said; "OK Flo let's see you beat that you little skank!" "With pleasure you muscle bound bull dog bitch!" My aunt Flo replied felling very sure of herself that she could easily beat my mother and win the title of becoming the perfect female muscle goddess of my dreams..................."OK FLEXIBILITY FLO YOU'VE NEXT." The announcer said through the loud speaker as my aunt Flo got onto the heavy duty weight bench and laid down underneath the four thousand pound steel barbell, then she lifted it out of it's cradle and lowered it on top of her two coconut sized tits, with own her two powerfully strong, freakishly huge, thickly muscular ripped arms; "YOU ALSO HAVE A TOTAL OF FIVE MINUTES TO BENCH PRESS AS MANY REPS AS YOU PHYSICALLY CAN. WHEN YOU HEAR THE FIRST BUZZER START BENCH PRESSING, AND WHEN YOU HEAR THE SECOND BUZZER STOP BENCH PRESSING AND REPLACE THE BARBELL BACK INTO IT'S CRADLE. ON YOUR MARK, GET SET, GO! Then as the first buzzer went off, my aunt Flo started bench pressing and pumping out reps at an even faster speed then was physically possible for any one human to do, and she was even bench pressing and pumping out reps twice as fast as my mother had done! At one point my aunt Flo looked like she was bench pressing and pumping out reps with that four thousand pound steel barbell so extremely fast, that both of her two powerfully strong, freakishly huge, thickly ripped muscular arms and the four thousand pound steel barbell she was bench pressing, looked like they were totally invisible to the human eye! Finally five minutes later the buzzer went off again and the large digital screen behind the heavy duty weight bench read that my aunt Flo had bench pressed that four thousand pound steel barbell 8,350 reps! "HOLY SHIT!" I thought to myself as I continued sitting in the front row of this empty arena, watching both my mother and aunt Flo competing against each other to win the title of becoming the true muscle goddess of my dreams; My aunt Flo just out bench pressed my own mother by 1,552 reps!" As my aunt Flo causally walked back to the right side of the stage, I noticed how angry and upset my mother was getting from where she stood on the left side of the stage. My mother's face was turning a dark red in anger while a large blue vein pulsated in her forehead, while she held both of her powerfully strong hands on her two freakishly thick muscular hips, while my mother started flexing her entire freakishly huge, thickly muscular upper body, as she thought to herself; "I've really under estimated that skank Flo! She maybe physically stronger then I am but I'm quite sure that I'll blow her away in the flexing and posing part of Tyler's contest, and easily win the title of becoming the true muscle goddess of his dreams!"..................Then the announcer said over the loud speaker while the floor underneath the heavy duty weight bench that held the four thousand pound steel barbell, flipped around replacing it with a smaller round disk platform; "OK LADIES ONE AT A TIME YOU WILL WALK OVER AND STAND ON THE ROUND DISK PLATFORM WHEN YOUR NAME IS CALLED. WHILE YOU'VE DOING YOUR 10 MINUTE FLEXING AND POSING ROUTINE TO THE MUSIC YOU'VE PICKED OUT, A RED LASER THAT IS 100% ACCURATE WILL BE MEASURING YOUR FEMALE MUSCULARITY AND GIRTH TO MAKE THE TRUE DETERMINATION ON WHICH ONE WOULD TRULY WIN THE TITLE OF BECOMING, THE TRUE FEMALE MUSCULAR GODDESS OF TYLER'S DREAMS!" "OH BOY!" I thought to myself as I started getting excited waiting to see which one would win, my mother Naughty Natalie, or my aunt Flexibility Flo!...................First my mother Naughty Natalie stood on the round disk platform and did a very impressive 10 minute flexing and posing performance to the rock and roll song; "Rock And Roll All Night," by the rock group Kiss, while three round red laser lights circles moved up and down my mother's freakishly huge, thickly muscular ripped female physique. After my mother was finished, my aunt Flexibility Flo then stood on the round disk platform and also did a very impressive 10 minute flexing and posing performance of her own to the disco song; "Jive Talking," by the disco group The Bee Gees, while three round red laser light circles moved up and down my aunt Flo's freakishly huge, extremely thick, ripped muscular female physique. After my aunt Flo finished her own very impressive flexing and posing performance, both my mother and my aunt stood in their corners on the stage, my mother on the left and my aunt on the right, while we all waited for results to come in from the judges on which woman would win the title and become the true female muscle goddess of my dreams!.....................It seemed like we were waiting for an eternity before the announcer finally said over the loud speaker; "OK LADIES AND GENTLEMEN THE JUDGES VOTE ARE FINALLY IN. BUT BEFORE I ANNOUNCE WHO THE TRUE FEMALE MUSCLE GODDESS OF TYLER'S DREAMS, I'D LIKE TO THANK BOTH NAUGHTY NATALIE PETERSON AND FLEXIBILITY FLO HENDERSON FOR COMPETING HERE TO DAY." Then the announcer said with an even more serious tone in his voice; "NOW AS BOTH OF YOU MUSCULAR WOMEN KNOW THERE COULD ONLY BE ONE WINNER AND ONE LOSER AND WITH THAT BEING SAID, ONE OF YOU MUSCULAR WOMEN HAD BEEN DISQUALIFIED FOR TESTING TOO HIGH IN THE USAGE OF STEROIDS, WHICH IN TURN DOESN'T MAKE YOU 100% OF SOLID ROCK HARD MUSCLE. INSTEAD BY OUR LASER MEASUREMENTS WHICH AS YOU ALL KNOW ARE 100% ACCURATE, SHOW THAT ONE OF YOU MUSCULAR WOMEN ARE ONLY 2/3RDS SOLID MUSCULAR WEIGHT, AND 1/3 LIQUID WATERY, MUSCULAR STEROID WEIGHT, THAT EVEN THOUGH PUMPS YOU UP AND GIVES YOU THE SIZE IN FEMALE MUSCULARITY AND GIRTH, IT DOESN'T GIVE YOU STRENGTH AND POWER YOU SHOULD OTHERWISE HAVE." As I noticed my mother standing with both her powerfully strong hands on her freakishly thick muscular hips in the left corner of the stage, again I could see my mother's face turning a dark red in anger as her steroid raged temper started to slowly grow, while that same large blue vein started pulsating in her forehead again! Then the announcer said; "THE WINNER AND TRUE FEMALE MUSCULAR GODDESS OF TYLER'S DREAMS IS FLEXIBILITY FLO HENDERSON!"......................"NO! My mother growled in pure anger as her steroid rage went into full swing; "I'M THE TRUE FEMALE MUSCLE GODDESS OF TYLER'S DREAMS, NOT THAT SKANK FLO, AND I'LL PROVE IT TO YOU ALL!" Then from the left side of the stage a cart that had at least 100 hypodermic needles filled with steroids wheeled itself out from behind the curtain in front of my mother, and she started injecting every one of her huge thick blue pencil sized veins with every hypodermic needle till she looked like a human pin cushion. As all those hypodermic needles full of steroids started hitting my mother's blood stream, her slowly growing steroid anger continued to grow, at the same time my mother's already freakishly huge, thickly muscular body continued to grow even bigger and even more muscular then before, while her heart beat was beating even faster then before! At one point I could see the imprint of my mother's heart beating extremely hard and fast beneath her left watermelon sized tit! "SEE TYLER! IN JUST A FEW SECONDS I COULD BECOME EVEN MORE MUSCULAR THEN FLEXIBILITY FLO!" As I continued watching my mother's already freakishly huge, thickly muscular body balloon up to even greater heights in female muscularity and girth, I started getting sleepy and almost before I knew it, I had passed out completely. Then in a very deep sleep I heard my aunt Flo calling me; "TYLER! TYLER WAKE UP, ARE YOU OK?" End Of Part 7
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