Jeannie's Muscular Aryan Super Woman Transformation!-2

The evening of my thirteenth birthday after my mother had left to go downtown to see her friend Olga Riker, if anyone had seen her during the drive to the Orange Grove Medical Complex, one would have quickly notice that my mother had a good cry on the drive down due to now having a broken heart, because my father had just left and moved out on my mother for a ten year younger, more physically fit, female version of herself. My mother had just finished her sad emotional crying  fit as she was driving down route four and turning into the parking lot of the Orange Grove Medical Complex. This time of night the parking lot was empty except for a brand new black, full sized B.M.W. with a vanity Florida license plate that read; "OLGA-1" That was sitting right in front of suite 69 that housed the offices of Olga Riker Enterprises. "WOW!" My mother thought out loud to herself as she got of the driver side door of her 2016 Ford Edge; "Olga must be a very rich woman to drive a car that fancy." Then my mother started thinking to herself as she approached the main entrance to Olga Riker Enterprises; "I wonder what type of job position Olga wants to offer me. I have no job experience in the medical field whatsoever." Unbeknown to my mother that evening as she entered the main entrance of Olga Riker Enterprises, was that the job position that Dr. Olga Riker had in mind for my mother was not only to use her as a female experimental test case for; "The Aryan Super Woman Serum," But to also turn my mother into the true blond haired, blue eyed, hugely muscular and powerfully strong, Aryan super woman of Dr. Olga Riker's personal, lesbian, sexual fantasies...……………….As soon as my mother found herself inside the very expensively decorated, dark walnut paneled waiting room of  the suite of Olga Riker Enterprises, Dr. Olga Riker who was waiting for my mother to arrive quickly ran over to her as my mother entered and very lovingly hugged her as she said in her thick German accent; "Oh Jeannie I'm so sorry about that bastard of a husband of yours leaving you for another woman."  Then as Dr. Olga Riker continued to hold both of her skinny arms around my mother thin female waist and hugged her even tighter she said; "But don't worry Jeannie I'm here for you and I promise you with all the love in my heart that, I WILL, in the near future make your life, EVEN BETTER, then it EVER was being married to that BASTARD, Anthony Nelson." "Thank you for saying that Olga." My mother replied. "Now Jeannie." Dr. Olga Riker said as she opened the door that lead from the waiting room to the hallway that led to her private office and examination rooms; "Let's start right this second to start making your life, EVEN BETTER, by going to my office and discussing your new job position with Olga Riker Enterprises." "OK Olga." My mother replied as she entered through the door way in front of Dr. Olga Riker. As soon as my mother was standing in the hallway that led to Dr. Olga Riker's private office and examination rooms, she felt a slight pin prickle on the back of her neck, then within a split second my mother started feeling extremely dizzy for a moment, right before she passed out completely, while Dr. Olga Riker gently assisted my mother's now unconscious body to the carpeted hallway's floor. "DARLENE! SHEILA! I need the two of you to take Jeannie Nelson to examination room A, undress her down to her panties and prepare her for the medical testing I need to complete on her tonight." Dr. Olga Riker said to her two extremely huge, thick muscular lesbian nurses as they both stepped into the hallway after my mother became unconscious. "Yes ma'am." Darlene and Sheila both replied in unison as they picked up my mother's, NOW unconscious body up off the carpeted floor of the hallway to take her to examination room A and prepare my mother for the medical testing that Dr. Olga Riker had in mind that night for her...……………..Forty five minutes later when Dr. Olga Riker entered through the doorway of examination room A, Darlene and Sheila had my now unconscious mother's body undressed down to her lacy white panties and laying on her back strapped down to the examination table. After strapping my now unconscious semi, naked mother laying down and strapped to the examination table, Darlene wired four computer sensors to my mother's head. Two directly in front of her forehead and one on each side directly in line with my mother's brain stem. While Darlene was wiring my now unconscious mother's head, Sheila was wiring a computer sensor under my mother's left, perky, tennis ball sized tit so Dr. Olga Riker could run an E.K.G. test on my mother's heart to monitor her heart beat rate. "OK ladies." Dr. Olga Riker said as she entered through the doorway of examination room A; "It's now nine thirty pm. Take your three hour weightlifting break and hit the private weightlifting room in the back but be showered and dressed and back here by twelve thirty am to deliver Jeannie Nelson back home before her son wakes up tomorrow morning and notices that she hadn't been home most of the night. "Yes Dr. Riker." Both Darlene and Sheila said in unison a second before they both exited out of the doorway of examination room A and headed down the hallway towards the private weightlifting room in the back of suite 69. After Darlene and Sheila left examination room A, Dr. Olga Riker closed and locked herself alone with my now unconscious mother in examination room A, so Dr. Olga Riker could start the medical examination on the woman who would soon become her future true blond haired, blue eyed, muscular, Aryan Super Woman...…………….Once she was alone with my now unconscious, semi naked mother strapped to the examination table, Dr. Olga Riker then went over to a small table that had a lap top computer sitting on top of it, and after starting the three computer programs that she needed to do on my mother's, semi naked, unconscious body. The first program was to reprogram my mother's subconscious mind and make her seriously believe that her best female friend Olga Riker, AND ONLY OLGA RIKER, had my mother's best interests at heart, and her best female friend Olga Riker, AND ONLY OLGA RIKER, could solve all of my mother's life problems for now and the future. And what does Olga Riker ask in return? Just one hundred percent of Jeannie Nelson's love, respect, and total devotion and religious worship of becoming the true blond haired, blue eyed, muscular, Aryan Super Woman, that Olga Riker wants her to truly become...…………..The second computer program had my now unconscious, semi naked,mother's body in a virtual reality program to make my now, semi naked, unconscious mother's subconscious mind believe that she was sitting in Olga Riker's very expensively decorated, dark walnut paneled private office sitting across the desk as Dr. Olga Riker explained what the job duties would be in my mother's new job position with Olga Riker Enterprises. Everything in this virtual reality job interview seemed slightly foggy, hazy, and not to clear, not to mention hard for my mother's subconscious mind to totally understand, but in this virtual reality job interview my mother's subconscious mind quickly agreed to do everything that was required of her to work at Olga Riker Enterprises. Towards the end of this virtual reality job interview, Dr. Olga Riker told my mother her salary was going to be one thousand dollars a week, then Dr. Olga Riker handed my mother a thick white business sized envelope with sixty, one hundred dollars in cash inside as she said; "Jeannie here is six weeks salary up front in cash to help you with your current single mother finances." "Thank you Olga I could really use the money right now to support my son and pay my bills since my husband left me for another woman." My mother replied as she took the thick white business envelope. Then as she held up a full bottle of light blue pills, Dr. Olga Riker then told my mother that they were female vitamins that she wanted my mother to start taking on a daily bases. But they were in reality a light dosage of Aryan Super Woman Serum. My mother's subconscious mind didn't understand why Olga Riker wanted her to start taking these female vitamins, but her subconscious mind totally agreed to that as well...………….The third computer program was the E.K.G. to monitor my mother's heart beat rate. "AW!" Dr. Olga Riker said happily out loud to herself as she read that; "I see Jeannie Nelson has a very healthy and strong female heart." As Dr. Olga Riker continued doing medical testing on my now, unconscious, semi naked mother who was laying on her back strapped down to the examination table, Dr. Olga Riker then took a hypodermic needle and after pinching a small blue vein in my mother's right thin, slightly well tone forearm, she then took a small blood sample from my mother. After getting a small blood sample from my mother, Dr. Olga Riker then walked over to a small table across from the examination table where a microscope sat with a stack of empty glass slides. After Dr. Olga Riker put the small sample of my mother's blood on a glass slide and then slid it onto the stage of the microscope, she then looked through the two eye pieces of the microscope as she added just a drop of The Aryan Super Woman Serum onto the same glass slide to mix with the small blood sample of my mother's blood. As she continued looking through the two eye pieces of the microscope, Dr. Olga Riker could see a total explosion of both red and white super growing blood cells in my mother's blood sample, developing at a very fast accelerated rate building up super powerfully strong inhumanly amounts of protein. "AW!" Dr. Olga Riker said happily out loud to herself as she continued looking at the microscope and watching my mother's blood sample continue to change and grow even more powerfully strong by the moment; "Jeannie Nelson is definitely the perfect female specimen to use The Aryan Super Woman Serum on, which in turn will transform Jeannie Nelson into the true blond haired, blue eyed, muscular Aryan super woman of my dreams." After Dr. Olga Riker was completely satisfied on how well, The Aryan Super Woman Serum was going to work on my mother's female body, Dr. Olga Riker then went into my mother purse and made photo copies of my mother's driver license and social security card. Then after she plugged a cord into my mother's Apple Smart cell phone with the other side of that same cord which was plugged into her lap top computer, Dr. Olga Riker then down loaded all of my mother's contacts, pictures, and other personal information that was in my mother's Apple Smart cell phone. Dr. Olga Riker now had all of my mother's personal history, which she was planning on changing once she turned my mother into the true blond haired, blue eyed, muscular Aryan super woman of her dreams. But there was still one think that Dr. Olga Riker had a bit of a concern about and was still slightly unsure of, that would Jeannie Nelson's son, meaning me, would get in the way of her future new relationship with my soon to be, true blond haired, blue eyed, muscular Aryan super woman mother. Then Dr. Olga Riker thought to herself; "If Tony goes along with everything and let's me complete my Aryan Super Woman Serum experiments on his mother everything will be okay. But if Tony causes any trouble and tries to disrupt my Aryan Super Woman Serum experiments on his mother to turn her into the true blond haired, blue eyed, muscular super woman of my dreams, then I'll have to have Darlene and Sheila get rid of that kid once and for all." Then for the last and final phase of my still unconscious semi naked mother's physical exam, Dr. Olga Riker gently grabbed my mother's head and turned her face away from her with her left hand,  while she held a hypodermic needle gun in her right hand. As soon as the hypodermic needle gun was positioned at the base of the back of my unconscious mother's neck, Dr. Olga Riker pulled the trigger on the hypodermic needle gun with her right index finger and injected a computer chip into the base of my unconscious mother's brain stem...…………..Once this computer chip that was now injected into the base of my unconscious mother's brain stem was finally activated, it would now control one hundred percent of everything my mother would think and do on a daily bases as Dr. Olga Riker's soon to be true blond haired, blue eyed, muscular Aryan super woman, or so Dr. Olga Riker thought at the time. But unbeknown to Dr. Olga Riker when she injected that computer chip into the base of the brain stem of my unconscious mother neck, there was one small manufacturing glitch in that computer chip. It would still work one hundred percent in controlling everything my mother would think and do in the near future in becoming a true blond haired, blue eyed, muscular Aryan super woman, but the small manufacturing glitch in the computer chip would cause my mother's mind to fall in love with me, NOT DR. OLGA RIKER, because my mother would now see me as a younger version of my father, who even though he had just left my mother for Tonya Evens, my mother was still deeply in love with my father. And in time I'd slowly become his male replacement in my soon to be, within the next three months time, true blond haired, blue eyed, muscular Aryan super woman, mother's private life...…………..At exactly twelve thirty am both Darlene and Sheila returned and entered through the doorway of examination room A after returning from their three hour weightlifting workout in the private weightlifting room in the back of suite 69. At first glance as they returned and entered through the doorway of examination room A, both Darlene's and Sheila's already extremely huge, thick, muscular female physiques, NOW, looked even more hugely bigger by a size and a half, and even more thickly ripped, all pumped up from working out in the private weightlifting room. Even both Darlene's and Sheila's already tight white nurses uniforms looked even more ridiculously smaller and tighter on their NOW,  two even more hugely bigger by a size and a half, and even more thickly ripped, all pumped up female muscular physiques . "How was your ladies three hour weightlifting workout tonight? Did you both use the four hypodermic needles with the muscle vitamins I left out for you two? " Dr. Olga Riker asked her two nurses in her thick German accent. "Yes Dr. Riker." Darlene replied; "I gave Sheila her two injections of the muscle vitamins during our weightlifting workout tonight, and Sheila gave me my two vitamin injections." "Very good ladies. You both are doing a wonderful job working for me here at Olga Riker Enterprises." Dr. Olga Riker said giving both her two even more hugely bigger by a size and a half, and even more thickly ripped, all pumped up in female muscularity lesbian nurses a very nice compliment, then as Dr. Olga Riker handed a piece of paper with my mother's home address on it to Darlene with my mother's car keys and her purse that now also had inside it, the thick white business sized envelope with six thousand dollars in cash and the full bottle of blue pills that my mother would think were the new female vitamins her friend Olga wanted her to start using on a daily bases, but in reality were a light dosage of The Aryan Super Woman Serum; "But now ladies it time to get back to work and get Jeannie Nelson home tonight before anyone notices, ex-specially her son, that she had been out all night. Darlene after you and Sheila get Jeannie Nelson dressed and loaded into the back of the van. You drive the van to 2269 Orange Grove Ln. in Coco Beach while Sheila follows you in Jeannie Nelson's car. After you get to her house, and after parking her car in her driveway, set the unconscious Jeannie Nelson in the driver seat of her parked car. After all that's completed and you two drive away in the van, I'll then reactivate Jeannie Nelson to wake up from the computer chip I had just recently injected into the base of her brain stem." "Yes Dr. Riker." Both Darlene and Sheila replied in unison, just a second before they started getting to work on getting my still unconscious mother dressed and ready to be delivered home, before anyone, including myself, noticed that she was missing and had stayed out most of the night...………………Twenty minutes later Darlene and Sheila had my still unconscious mother dressed, loaded on a stretcher and wheeled into the back of van. Twenty five minutes later Darlene was driving the white E-350 Ford panel van with my still unconscious mother now laying strapped on a stretcher in the back of the van, while Sheila was following directly behind her in my mother's 2016 Ford Edge to our address at 2269 Orange Grove Ln. in Coco Beach. Forty minutes later they had my still unconscious mother now sitting in the driver seat in her 2016 Ford Edge that was now parked in our driveway, slumped slightly forward using the car's steering wheel as a pillow. End Of Part 2                                                                                                      


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