How I Reconciled With My Muscular Ex-Wife!-3
After we finished our long romantic kiss, while Karen still held me in her strong powerful muscular arms, she said; "Jeff, let me show you around my little bungalow." Karen then took me by the hand and led me through her little house. First she showed me the kitchen, where she had a blender on the counter top and gallon containers of powder bulk-up mix, bottles of protein muscle vitamins, and bottles of muscle milk. As I was noticing these items, Karen said; "Jeff, I just want you to know I've been training the healthy way for over a year now." Then Karen opened her refrigerator door and showed me all the fruits, vegetables, fish, chicken, and beef she was eating these days. As I looked into her refrigerator I said; "I'm very impressed Karen, you've come a long way from when you were an over weight junk food junkie." "Thanks Jeff, coming from you that means a lot." Karen replied then kissed me on my lips again..........Karen then led me into the largest room in her bungalow, the living room. On one side sat an old sofa which I recognized from our ex-house that Karen took before we sold the house in our divorce. The rest of the living room wasn't carpeted and the entire floor was covered in work out mats, and had a weight bench that had a barbell in it's cradle with at least 500 pounds of steel weight disks on each side. Next to the weight bench sat a weight rack that housed steel dumbbells that went from 50 pounds to 5,000 pounds. Across from the weight bench sat a heavy duty rowing machine, a life cycle 5000, a heavy duty treadmill, an ab cruncher machine, and in the middle of the bungalow's living room, hanging from the ceiling was a heavy duty steel bar, that was reinforced to take up to over 2,000 pounds, that Karen used for her chin-ups, upside down sit-ups and stomach crunches. As I continued taking in how much work out equipment my ex-wife had, I thought Karen was equipped to train a whole battalion of muscular women!........"Honey, please sit down next to me." Karen said while she patted the sofa's cushion next to her. After I sat down next to Karen, she reached for a bottle of spring water that sat on the end table next to her side of the sofa. Then she turned to me and asked; "So what's been going on with you these days Jeff, I hope you aren't seeing any one else these day darling." As I started to tell Karen about how I had gotten a great raise and promotion at my company, she raised her right arm to drink out of her spring water bottle, I watched Karen's thick muscular bicep suddenly explode in size! Karen's bicep was a perfectly round ball with a slight split at it's peak. I could only guess that from the top of Karen's bicep to the bottom of her triceps was about the same size as my head. Thick blue veins snaked their way across her thick muscular arm, and my cock felt like it was going to burst out of my jeans! Then as Karen lowered the bottle of spring water, she said; "Okay Jeff, now it's my turn.".............Then Karen went on to tell me, first what she had told me over the phone earlier today, then Karen said how she went on social security disability due to her being schizophrenic, which she was now on medication for and collecting $800.00 a month from S.S.D. Karen also said that her bungalow was a rental and that she was on rent control. Karen only paid $90.00 a month rent, the state paid the rest. I then asked Karen how many hours a day she worked out and lifted weights. Karen replied; "Jeff, you need to know up front, that I'm still very obsessed with weight lifting and building up my body. I'm no longer interested in entering female body building contests, in fact losing at the Ms. Olympia contest three years ago was really a major blow to my ego, not to mention my self esteem, but to answer your question darling," Karen paused long enough to give one of those special smiles that made me start falling in love with her all over again, as she said; "In fact Jeff, I'm very choosy who sees by ripped, bulging muscular female physique these days, and I never even leave my bungalow these days, and work out almost 12 hours a day."..........."Why wouldn't you want to go out a casually?" I asked. "Well for one Jeff, I don't like the way men and women look at me like they think I'm some kind of muscle bound female mutant. Even the children in this neighborhood are nasty, every time they see me they yell: HERE COMES GODZILLA!" Then Karen broke down and cried while she held her hands to her face. I then asked; "Karen if it bothers you about what other people say about your huge, ripped muscular body, why not just stop lifting weight and building up your body?" "Because Jeff!" Karen said in between her sobs; "I'm now a slave to this fantastic female muscular physique you see before you, that's why I need to work out every day. If I stop working out, all these huge ripped muscles I've worked so hard to get, would go soft and I would turn back into that fat, flabby, over weight woman you felt you needed to sneak Vitamin V pills into her morning coffee, and then even you wouldn't want me Jeff!" Then Karen got hysterical and cried her eyes out, as I tried to comfort her. End Of Part 3
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