How They Turned My Wife Geraldine Into A Super High Tech Body Building Machine!-4

THE WEIGHT LOST AND FAT REDUCTION PROCEDURE:  After I left The Women's Body Redsign Clinic, the two muscular female nurses who had wheeled the stretcher with Geri's very fat over weight body on it into section A, begain to cut off all of her tight clothing from my wife's bloated fat body. After Geri was completely naked, both strong muscular nurses lifted Geri up and stapped her arms and legs to a large metal table, that was inside a very large three sided metal box with a large glass window on the front. Then they attached computer sensers to her forehead, which would reprogram Geri's brain in diet and weight control, while it removed any want or need in her brain to go on an over eating binge. Then a very flexable hose was attached to Geri's mouth, that would pump her full of a very strong vitamin enzyme, that not only melted her fat cells, but also helped strengthen up her female skeleton frame as well! After both muscular nurses completed their job of securing Geri on to the metal table and attaching the computer sensers in her head and the flexable tube in her mouth, one muscular nurse said to the other while she poked her finger in Geri's fat bloated belly; "Hey Mabel, this one has to be the fattest woman yet we had at the clinic, and she has a body that's as big, flabby, round and soft as a gigantic marshmallow!" "Yea, Bea, but she ain't gonna stay that way for long!" The other muscular nurse said with a giggle in her voice. After they exited out of the three sided steel box, Mabel closed the front glass door, while she switched on the power, which caused the coils in the top of the metal box to heat up and turn a bright orange color, while the metal table with Geri's very over weight fat body strapped to it, started turning side ways slowly, in a clockwise circular motion, while the computer started reprogramming Geri's brain, while she was being pumped full of the very strong vitamin enzyme through the flexable tube. Then for the next month and a half straight, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, Geri's very obesely fat body would be in this gigantic rotisserie, spinning slowly around like a roasted chicken, while her obesely fat body sweated off 6 pounds of fat a day for 45 days straight, until my wife had lost a total of 270 pounds!..........THE SURGICAL PROCEDURE: A month and a half later, after Geri had lost 270 pounds of solid blubbery fat, Dr Carter had her rushed into the operating room, where Geri would spend the next 16 hours in surgery. The first operation Dr Carter did on Geri, was add limb extentsions to her body, so my wife would meet the height requirement of 6 foot 1 inches tall, I wanted Geri to have. The second operation Dr Carter did on Geri, was installing muscle implants all over her body. These special muscle implants were made from a new space age material, and once they healed up inside of Geri's body, they would help my wife build and develop muscles four times faster during every weight lifting workout she did, then if Geri ever tried to lift weights and body build on her own, without the muscle implants. While Dr Carter was surgically putting the muscle implants in my wife's body, she used a couple extra ones to reinforce Geri's lower back, so she'd no long be able to claim she was disabled with back injuries whatsoever. Then after both surgeries were a complete success, Geri's body was bandaged from head to toe, while she laid in a special hospital bed, while being wired into another computer program, and having an even heavier dosage of the very strong vitamin enzyme being pumped into her veins, to help speed up Geri's healing process. This medical procedure would continue for the next two and a half months straight...........THE WEIGHT LIFTING WORKOUT PROCEDURE: Two and a half months later after Geri had her surgeries, all the bandages were removed and she was moved to a special high tech weight lifting workout chamber, where after her thinner and now slightly toned body was strapped into a very stange looking machine, that was designed to give her a full upper and lower body weight lifting workout, where for the next five months straight, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, this weight lifting workout chamber would force Geri to pump out rep after rep, with each weight lifting exercise she did, and the computer program that controled Geri's weight lifting workout plan, would increase the amount of sets of reps she did, while it increased the amount of weight she was lifting at the same time! While Geri was in the weight lifting workout chamber, her mind was again hooked up to another computer program, that was educating Geri in physical fitness as well as in self defense, while her body was being force fed through her vein, a stronger version of the vitamin enzyme, that was now enhanced with steroids. Every day Mabel and Bea, the two muscular nurses who brought Geri in 4 months earlier, couldn't get over how fast my wife was catching up to them in size and muscle mass, and pretty so Geri had out surpassed both women in size and muscle mass, and she was still growing bigger and stronger on a daily bases! End Of Part 4                       


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