Be Very Careful When Your Wife Starts Working Out At A Local Gym!-8
Then right after my wife Cathy said; "You wanted me to be your own personal dominant." She jumped on top of me and held my wrists down and squeezed, and for good measure Cathy turned all that pain into the most muscular pose that I've ever seen, and held it till I screamed. My wife Cathy had grown stronger and more muscular since I last measured her, after riding on her back while she had done military push-ups a couple of months ago. Now my beautiful muscular goddess was starting to get more then a little scary to me. Cathy continued to hold my wrists down and squeeze while she said with a matter of fact tone in her voice; " Okay Stew? As I was saying, this has been very obvious to me what you really wanted, and it's what I want too. So I think we should go all the way with it."............I was extremely terrified, and my voice sounded very shaky as I asked; "Cathy, what does that mean exactly? Is it the steroids talking?" Cathy just tilted her head back and let out a very loud, deep, roar of a laugh! "Even if it is the steroids talking darling, you have no way of stopping me from taking them. With their help, I seriously enjoy getting bigger, stronger, and even more powerful!" Then Cathy let go of my wrists and went into a double bicep pose, while she continued holding me down with her body weight. Then while she held double bicep pose that was so amazing, Cathy asked sounding even more like a dominant; "Ah Stew, you are scared. That's more like it. Although your huge throbbing cock doesn't look too scared, does he? See Stew, this is just the kind of stuff that really gets me going, I am so soaking wet!" Cathy then dipped her fingers of her right hand into her huge muscular twat, and then stuck them in my mouth, as she commanded me; "Lick me Stew. No, no. Start with my fingertips and work your way down!"...........I did what I was told of course, and I enjoyed every minute of it, and when I finally reached between Cathy's huge, ripped, muscular legs, I sucked her delicious muscular twat like there was no tomorrow! As I was enjoying myself, I started thinking that my wife seemed to be going off the deep end after becoming so strong and muscular, not to mention getting even more obsessed and working out even harder, to get even more muscular and even more stronger and I was really worried where this was going in our marriage! Would Cathy ever leave me, if the day came, when I could no long sexually please her growing, ripped, muscular, female physique? Would she kill me in one of her steroid rages?......After I finished off giving my wife great oral sex, I asked; "Cathy, may I tell you something?" Cathy nodded. I said; Honey you do look amazing, and all those months of hard work at the gym have really paid off for you." Cathy smiled, then after giving me a long romantic kiss on my lips. Compliments still worked on my wife, thank god! Then I asked; "But how is it Cathy, you are taking so many steroid pills, but you still look so beautiful?" Cathy just smiled; "What do you think Stew, I want to look like a dude? I did my research on different types of steroids that a woman can and can't use. I even still get my period faithfully every month. "Well Cathy, you do look amazing." I said with great pride in my voice while I was thinking to myself; "YEA! I'M TAPPING THAT GREAT MUSCLE BABE!" "Ah thanks darling. If you don't have any more questions, then get the measuring tape and check out how much more of grown! After I started taking my wife's new body measurements, even with my wife's heavy usage of steroids, I still couldn't believe any woman's muscles could ever get that incredibly large! End Of Part 8
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