Be Very Careful When Your Wife Starts Working Out At A Local Gym!-12
The next 9 weeks seemed to pass by very slowly, when I came home every night to an empty house, I was just that much more lonely missing my wife Cathy, not to mention making love to her great female muscular physique. To combat my loneliness for my muscular wife, I started watching female body builder D.V.D.'s while I jerked off like crazy in front of them thinking about Cathy, which only helped my 10 inch thick throbbing cock, grow even thicker and longer by another couple of inches. I was seriously counting the days, till my wife Cathy returned to me, by checking them off my monthly calender, day by day!............The only contact I did have with my wife Cathy during her 9 week visit at the weight lifting boot camp, was every Friday night at 10pm she would call me up and we would have a two hour conversation, where she would tell me about her continuing progress, which seemed extremely unbelievable as she described it, but once she returned after her 9 week visit, I could see that every thing Cathy described to me, was unbelievably true!............After her first full week at the weight lifting boot camp, when I received my wife's first phone call, I recognized her cell phone number on my cell phone's caller I.D., but when I answered it, I hardly recognized my wife Cathy's voice. From the six injections of high octane steroids that my wife was receiving on a daily bases, her voice seemed to have grown even more deeper and huskier then before when she had first started taking those steroid pills. After getting passed the deeper, huskier, more baritone sounding voice my wife seemed to be developing, Cathy went on to describe a typical day of training at the weight lifting boot camp......... The weight lifting boot Camp was an old army base, and Cathy was living in an old army barracks with 20 other women who were there for the same reason, to build up their muscular bodies as well. A very loud alarm would sound off at 0:400 as the lights in the old army barracks turned on by a timer. Every woman had to be up, dressed in their t-shirts and shorts, and out side in front of their barracks by 04:15. Then after their personal trainer took the head count of their squad, Cathy who was in Yalonda's squad, no matter what the weather was, rain or shine, the squad had to do push-ups, sit-ups, stomach crunches, then run a full obstacle course which required climbing ropes, running through old tires, crossing a wide river by hanging from a rope and moving your hands one in front of the other, till you carried yourself across, and climbing a 50 foot stone wall, this Cathy did while she carried a full back pack that weighed 200 pounds, in less then 15 minutes!..........Then after a very hearty breakfast in the mess hall which all the women were fed bacon, eggs, pancakes, and home fries till they were stuffed, and while they were still digesting their huge breakfast, all the women would received their second steroid injection before hitting the weight room. In the weight room, the women would work out while being pushed to their max by their trainers! This would go on for four hours straight with out a break! Then after the four hours straight of weight lifting was over, all the women would march their swollen, throbbing, muscular female physiques to the mess hall, where after receiving another steroid injection, would be fed a very hearty lunch of broiled steaks, chicken, fish, mashed potatoes, spaghetti, and gallons of whole milk to drink with their hearty lunch. Then while they digested their hearty lunch, all the women received yet another injection of steroids, before being marched back to the weight lifting room, for another four hours of torture lifting even heavier weights then they had in the morning's weight lifting session.........Then after the afternoon weight lifting session was over, all the women marched their now very tired, hurting, throbbing muscular physiques to the medical building, where they were all weighed and measured by their trainers to keep track of their continuing growing results. My wife Cathy told me that in the first week alone, her muscularity and size had grown three times larger, then when I had last seen her! When she told me this, I asked her how big did she really want to get? Her response to me was with serious determination in her voice; "The sky's the limit Stew, I want to get to my max of female muscularity!" Then Cathy giggled; "I want to be as big and strong as the Incredible She-Hulk!" BOY, OH BOY! I can't wait to see my new and improved muscular wife! End Of Part 12
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