Laura Vs Erica On Who Could Become The Most Muscular To Win My Affections!-15

FOUR & A HALF MONTHS LATER!: Erica was now as large in muscular size and girth, as her ex-professional, female body builder cousin Tori was, not to mention at least three and a half times bigger then Laura was!  Under Tori's very rigorously hard, workout program, Erica became the most determined female body builder Tori had ever seen! Erica went nuts with her training as well as her calorie intake during those 14 weeks, while Tori cycled Erica on and off with the "KABOOM!" Mexican steroids, but with each new cycle Tori generously upped the dosage more and more! For the past 14 weeks, Erica was witnessing a magical transformation of super freakish muscle growth all over her own body, right before her eyes! As Erica was standing there naked in the locker room looking into a full length mirror, while she flexed her own now very unbelievably huge, ripped, beefy muscular female physique, in a full upper body crab pose, Tori came up from behind Erica and asked; "Well cos, did I or did I not come through with developing your new and even more improved muscular body, more to your own liking?"........." I love my new muscular physique Tori, and you even surpassed my imagination on my muscular size and girth! I can't wait for Steve to see the new me!" Erica said with a very excited tone in hew voice! "Oh yea Steve," Tori said. "Cos, aren't you afraid of that wife of his, you know Laura?" "I was that night when she had come to my apartment and smashed down my door and confronted me Tori. But during the past 4 and a half months, Steve had been sneaking calls to me with his cell phone, late at night." Erica said. "OH REALLY COS!" Tori said while she arched her left eye brow with disapproval of Erica being involved with a married man. "Oh really yes Tori, and guess what?" Erica said with a big smile on her face. "I give up cos." Tori said. "A week after she busted into my apartment to confront me, Steve told me that Laura had started staying out all night long. Laura would leave their house right before Steve came home from work in the evening, and not return home till after he'd leave for work in the morning, weird huh?" "Sounds like Laura is having an affair and cheating on her husband cos, how long has this been going on?" Tori asked, wondering if she was right, or if that highly, competitive, bitch, Laura had heard what Erica was up to these past four and a half months, and was ready to top her again!...........Since my wife Laura had gone out for the night, like every other nice these past 14 weeks, I accepted Erica's invitation to meet her privately at her apartment, so she could unveil her new, even more transformed Erica to me. When Erica let me in, she was wearing a baggy sweat outfit to cover her own muscular body. After Erica brought me a beer from her refrigerator, and sat me down on her sofa, she asked; "Steve, you know when I started working out with Tori 4 and a half months ago how much I weighed, don't you?" "Sure Erica, 198 pounds." I replied. "And how much did Laura weigh 4 and a half months ago?" Erica asked. "Uh, I think 280 something pounds or so Erica." Erica then said with a bitchy tone in her voice; Steve, you knew damn well what Laura weighed! We both do! It was 290 pounds of solid 100% solid muscle with 0% body fat! Laura's muscular arms were 39.5 inches, when mine used to be 20 inches. Laura's chest was 58.5 inches while mine was 48 inches." "Okay Erica, I remember, but under that baggy sweat outfit of yours, you look a hell of a lot bigger, then you did four and a half months ago, even bigger then Laura was back then! Please show me how much more muscle you've gain!" "Okay Steve, let me go get my bathroom scale." Erica said as she walked towards her bathroom..........After returning to her living room while carrying her bathroom scale, Erica then put the scale on the floor, while she said; "Let me step on the  scale, since I've probably gained more muscular weight since I weighed myself this morning before my last weight lifting workout." Erica then stepped on to the scale, and the little wheel with the numbers whirled around, till it stopped at 326 pounds! With her hands on her thick muscular hips, Erica smiled at me as she asked; "Well what do you think about that Steve? I've gained 128 pounds of solid muscle in just four and a half months. What do you think Steve, about what that petty, very competitive, she-devil bitch, Laura would say to that!" Laura would be green with envy Erica!" I said laughing at my own joke, then I turned serious as I said; "HOLY SHIT, 328 POUNDS! That's almost 9 and a quarter pounds of solid muscle a week you've gained, this is totally amazing Erica, how big are your arms?" "Let's go into the bedroom together to get my tape measure Steven, it would be a lot more private in there, don't you think?" Erica said smiling. Erica only calls me Steven, when we've about to have sex! I can't wait to muscle love Erica's new muscular body! I followed Erica into her bedroom like a love sick teenage boy, with a wicked hard on in my pants!.......Little did either Erica or I know at the time, but Laura's private detective was filming and recording us the whole time! End Of Part 15 


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