Leeann's Chocolate Addiction Rehabilitation Program!-1
Leann Schmidt was a very attractive woman at the age of twenty five with a very curvy 120 pound figure, and a very timid mousy personality that frightened easily. Leeann's husband James was a very strict German who liked everything in his life in a perfect order. James liked his house cleaned till it shined and would inspect every spot including the top of door frames to make sure his wife Leeann didn't miss a spot and cleaned it perfectly. James also liked his dinners cooked to perfection and at the dinner table if he wasn't pleased with his dinner that night, he would voice his complaint to his wife and Leeann would always reply in her timid mousy way with a very frightened tone in her voice; "Oh I'm so sorry Jim, I'll try and do better next time." James was such a strict man, that not only would he take his wife Leeann clothes shopping but he'd pick out his wife's clothes for her as well, and every couple of weeks James would weigh Leeann on their bathroom scale to make sure his wife didn't gain an ounce over the original 120 pounds that Leeann weighed when they had gotten married five years ago. Leeann who was so afraid of not pleasing her husband, kept a very clean house for him, cooked his meals to the best of her ability, and mostly ate salads and low calorie meals to kept her weight down at 120 pounds. That was till one day when Leeann and her husband was at a Fourth Of July barbecue at Leeann's sister's house, where Leeann developed her major chocolate addiction!............While James was hanging out with his brother in law in the back yard enjoying a beer and talking about baseball, Leeann was in her sister's kitchen sitting at the kitchen table with her older sister Joann. "Guess what I got Lee?" Joann said as she got up from her kitchen chair and reached for an expense box of German chocolate candies. "Here, try one Lee you'll like it." Joann said as she held the open box of German chocolates in front of Leeann's face. As delicious and temping as the candies smelled with a deep aroma of rich chocolate, Leeann replied; "Thanks Jo but I better not. I'm trying to watch my weight. James would have a fit if I gained an ounce." "Oh come on Leeann, one piece of chocolate wouldn't make you fat." Joann laughed as she reached into the box of expense German chocolates and picked up a triple chocolate nugget, then she held it in front of her Leeann's face as Joann said; "Come on just have one Leeann, I promise I wouldn't tell James that you ate it." Then Joann popped the triple chocolate nugget into her sister's open mouth! As Leeann started enjoying the chocolate sensation that was going on in her mouth while she was savoring the taste of the German chocolate, for once in her married life Leeann was enjoying a secret that she could keep from her controlling husband who would never let his wife eat chocolates because he was so obsessed with her weight. Leeann was enjoying such a chocolate buzz, that she ate three more pieces of her sister's candy, while Leeann wondered to herself how she could continue to enjoy this deep rich chocolate buzz at home behind her husband Jame's back.........After that day at her sister's barbecue, Leeann continued enjoying her secret love for chocolate. Leeann started hiding chocolate cakes, donuts, cans of Hersey syrup, and anything else she could buy that was made out of chocolate as well to feed her new chocolate fetish! Leeann kept her secret chocolate stash well hidden in her bedroom closet so her husband James wouldn't find it. While her husband James was home in the evenings Leeann continued eating like a bird with her salads and low calorie meals but when James was away during the day at work, Leeann would pig out all day long on chocolate till she had such a major sugar rush that the rest of the day was just blurry to Leeann, till she crashed from her very powerful chocolate sugar rush right before James got home from work in the evening. In six weeks time since Leeann started her secret chocolate addiction, her once flat as a board stomach, first became a muffin top, then quickly turned into an expanding bloated pot belly. At first Leeann was able to hide the fact from her husband James that she was gaining weight and getting fat from eating so much chocolate, by wearing a corset to hold in her expanding pot belly. But even wearing the corset Leeann's clothes were still growing too tight as she continued gaining weight. Even with wearing the corset to hide her now bloated fat pot belly from all the chocolate she loved to eat, one day when Leeann bent down to pick up something that she had dropped on the kitchen floor, the rear seam in the ass of her tight French cut jeans split right up the middle! That was the day Leeann started wearing larger baggier clothes to hide her now slightly fatter body, and since James had been so busy working a lot of over time at the General Motor's plant he was too tired in the evenings to remember to weigh Leeann on their bathroom scale when he got home. Then one day three months later James found out about his wife Leeann's deep dark secret about her chocolate addiction, and how James tried to get his wife help before Leeann blew up to over 400 pounds from eating so much chocolate!...........One day since James had been working so much over time lately at the G.M. plant, he decided to take a half day off from work and come home early to spend the afternoon with his wife Leeann. When James came home at 12:45 pm, he found his wife Leeann laying on the living room carpet in nothing but her panties holding her protruding bloated fat pot belly with both her hands, while Leeann was rocking back and forth having such a major chocolate sugar rush! Leeann was laying on the living room carpet rocking back and forth with six cans of Hersey syrup and four empty boxes of triple rich chocolate cakes next to her. "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE LEEANN?" James yelled as his German temper flared up at this unbelievable sight before him. When he finally got his wife up and dragged her to the bathroom to weigh Leeann on the bathroom scale, James said in total shock when he read the numbers on the scale; "HOLY SHIT LEEANN, YOU NOW WEIGH 170 FUCKING POUNDS!" That's when James decided to take matters into his own hands, and get Leeann to lose the extra weight she had gained and get Leeann's body weight back to her original 120 pounds.............After James made his wife get dressed in a baggy sweat outfit, since most of Leeann's clothes no longer fit her bloated fat body, James then drove Leeann downtown to an all women's gym called; "Beautiful Women's Gym," where he bought Leeann a gym membership while signing her up for a workout program. Every day after work James would come home and pick his wife Leeann up and take her to the gym, where he'd wait in the parking lot for two hours while Leeann was supposedly inside the gym working out to lose the fifty pounds that she had gained. James wanted to sit there in the gym and physically watch his wife working out to make sure she was seriously trying to losing the extra weight Leeann had gained, but since it was a women's only gym, he wasn't allowed pasted the main desk. Every day Leeann would kiss her husband before she'd get out of the car and walk into the gym carrying a very large gym bag. After Leeann entered through the main entrance of the gym, she'd quickly hurry to the women's locker room and hide in an empty bathroom stall for two hours straight in the women's bathroom, where Leeann would unzip her gym bag and pull out cans of Hersey syrup to drink while she gorged herself on her other chocolate delights. "AW! THAT IT THE SPOT!" Leeann purred to herself as she finished her last box of chocolate donuts while she guzzled down her last can of Hersey syrup. Then while Leeann was rubbing her now very large protruding bloated fat pot belly with her two hands, that had now gotten even larger since Leeann continued to give into her chocolate cravings, and not follow the low calorie diet that her personal trainer had put her on. As Leeann continued rubbing her now very large protruding bloated fat pot belly with her two hands, she let out a loud; "BELCH!" That quickly followed an even louder; "FARTING!" sound! "AW THAT'S BETTER!" Leeann again purred to herself; "I COULD GIVE UP CHOCOLATE WHENEVER I WANT TO!" Then Leeann giggled to herself; "BUT JUST I DON'T WANT TO YET!".............Nine weeks passed and one night as Leeann was exiting the main entrance of the gym and heading towards her husband's car, James thought that his wife seemed to be getting even fatter from going to the gym instead of skinner from working out. When Leeann got into the passenger seat of her husband's car, James looked over at his wife's protruding bloated fat pot belly which seemed even larger now then before, as he casually asked; "Honey how is your workout program going? Did you lose any weight yet?" "Great James I'm seriously working out like crazy." Leeann paused because she now felt a little more intimidated and a little scared in her husband's presents as she wasn't telling him truth; "It's going to take some time to lose that extra fifty pounds I've gained." Then Leeann lied even more trying to please her husband; "My personal trainer weighed me in this evening and said I lost eight pounds." But the truth was Leeann had been avoiding her personal trainer, and hiding in the women's bathroom getting her chocolate buzz on since her husband James had bought his wife the gym membership at; "Beautiful Women's Gym." Nine weeks earlier. After they were getting out of the car in their driveway, Leeann said; "Oh I forgot my gym bag in the back seat." "I'll get it for you honey." James replied as he picked it up off his back seat, and just as he was going to hand it over to his wife, earlier that evening Leeann was in such a hurry to leave the bathroom stall in the women's bathroom that she didn't zip up her bag all the way and it was still half open. Right before James could hand Leeann her gym bag, he noticed the six empty cans of Hersey chocolate syrup and six empty chocolate donut boxes inside. "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS LEEANN?" James yelled at his wife as he pulled out all of Leeann's empty chocolate containers. "I'VE BOUGHT YOU A GYM MEMBERSHIP AND HAVE BEEN TAKING YOU TO THE GYM EVERY DAY FOR PAST NINE WEEKS STRAIGHT SO YOU COULD EXERCISE TO LOSE THE EXTRA WEIGHT YOU'VE GAINED, AND INSTEAD OF TRYING TO LOSE WEIGHT TO GET BACK DOWN TO YOUR ORIGINAL 120 POUND BODY WEIGHT, YOU'VE STILL GO ON CHOCOLATE BINGES TO GET EVEN FATTER!" Leeann just buried her face in her hands and started hysterically crying as she said in her very timid frightened way; "Oh I'm so sorry Jim I just can't help myself! I've gotten very addicted to chocolate and I feel like I have a chocolate monkey on my back!" That's when James at that moment seriously realized that he needed to get his wife some serious professional help, if he wanted Leeann to get back to her original 120 pound body weight!................When they got into the house James looked on the Internet and found an ad for; "The American Women's Redesigning Body Clinic!" The ad said that for $4,999.99 they will take any woman no matter how fat and out of shape she was, and redesign her body perfectly to the clients specifications they are given guaranteed, or they will refund the client's money if the client wasn't happy with her results. James picked up his cell phone and made a call to the; "The American Women's Redesigning Body Clinic!" On behalf of his wife Leeann. Twenty minutes later two paramedics with a stretcher showed up at their front door from the American Women's Redesigning Body Clinic, strapped Leeann down onto the stretcher so she couldn't struggle, and right before they exited James and Leeann's house to wheel Leeann to an ambulance, one paramedic handed James a business card and asked him to follow them in his car to The American Women's Redesigning Clinic tonight............An hour later after James got to The American Women's Redesigning Body Clinic he met with a Dr Carol Grant. As they held their two hour consultation on Leeann, James told Dr Carol Grant about how his wife Leeann had developed a chocolate addiction two months earlier, and showed Dr Carol Grant a picture of what Leeann looked like before she started her chocolate addiction, when Leeann still had a curvy 120 pound figure. "Okay Mr Schmidt." Dr Carol Grant said; "We've already weighed in your wife and Leeann weighs 210 pounds. Our procedure will not only take 90 pounds of unwanted body weight off your wife Leeann and she'll be back to her original weight of 120 pounds and just as well toned as she was before, and when we've finished with her you've not even going to see any stretch marks from the extra 90 pounds that she had gained." "That's great doctor. How long will it take to do the procedure, and when can I get my wife back?" James replied. "Let's see Mr Schmidt." Dr Carol Grant said as she started typing on her computer, while she looked at the two programs she was going to prescribe for Leeann; "There's the weight reducing and toning up program, and the chocolate addiction rehabilitation program that we'll reprogram your wife not to eat any more chocolate. The rehabilitation program will reprogram your wife to eat only fresh vegetables instead of chocolate to satisfy her sweet tooth." Then Dr Carol Grant typed a few more keys on the key board of her computer, looked at the screen for a few moments before she said; "Your wife's whole redesigning body procedure from start to finish will take twelve weeks to complete. "Great!" James said as he handed his Visa credit card over to pay the $4,999.99 for his wife Leeann's body redesign program. After Dr Carol Grant swiped Jame's credit card, she handed it back to him with a two copies of a receipt, one for James to sign and one for his records. As both Dr. Carol Grant and James stood up at the end of their consultation over his wife Leeann, Dr Carol Grant shook hands with James as she said; "Don't worry Mr Schmidt. Your wife Leeann is in good hands here at our clinic, and when you come to pick her up in twelve weeks, Leeann will be back with her old 120 pound curvy figure, in fact Mr Schmidt I'm quite sure you'll be extremely happy with your wife Leeann's results, I personally guarantee it!" "I hope so Dr. Grant." James said as he was leaving Dr Carol Grant's office. End Of Part 1
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