Leeann's Chocolate Addiction Rehabilitation Program!-2
As James was walking out to his car in the parking lot of; "The American Women's Redesigning Clinic," at the same time in the preparation room a nurse gave his wife Leeann an injection of a heavy sedative to put her into an induced coma. Once Leeann was deeply in her induced coma, two female orderlies undressed her then wheeled Leeann's now unconscious body on a gurney to the water shed room, which was the first step in getting her back into shape. When they got to the water shed room the two female nurses together lifted Leeann's very fat bloated 210 pound body off the gurney with a fork lift and onto a special metal table, where they again strapped her down. Once Leeann was strapped down to the metal table Dr Carol Grant came into the water shed room, and after she listened to Leeann's heart beat through her stethoscope and took Leeann's blood pressure and was happy with the results, Dr. Grant turned to the two female nurses and said; "Liz, Ellen, please set up Mrs Schmidt so we could start flushing out all her fatty tissue till she loses 90 pounds." "Yes Dr Grant right away." Nurse Liz replied, then turned to the other nurse and said; "Ellen you hook up the intake hose to Mrs Schmidt's mouth while I hook up outtake hose to her vagina." "No problem Liz." Nurse Ellen replied as she went to get the intake hose and clamp it into Leeann's mouth, while nurse Liz clamped the outtake hose into Leeann's vagina. Once the two hoses were securely fastened, one in Leeann's mouth which went down her throat and the other that went deeply down in her vagina, the one hose that was secured into Leeann's mouth was attached to a motorized pump system that would pump a very strong powerfully blue chemical into Leeann mouth and down her throat that would dissolve all her unwanted body fat and quickly make Leeann lose the extra 90 pounds that she had gained from her chocolate addiction. The second hose that was secured deeply into Leeann's vagina was also attached to another motorized pump system that would pump out the very strong powerfully blue chemical while it flushed out all of Leeann's unwanted body fat at the same time! This would go on 24 hours a day for the next two weeks straight while Leeann was asleep in her induced coma.............Two weeks later after nurse Liz and nurse Ellen unhooked Leeann's still induced coma body from both hoses, Dr Carol Grant then had them unstrap Leeann's now flat as a pancake skinny stretched flabby body from the metal table, and lift her up into a swinging scale that looked like very large version of the type you'd find in the produce department of any supermarket. "AW PERFECT! And right on the button. Leeann is back to her original weight of 120 pounds." Dr Grant said as she read the reading on the scale. "Now ladies." Dr Carol Grant addressed the two nurses; "It's time to prep Mrs Schmidt for surgery." "Yes Dr Grant, Mrs Schmidt will be ready for surgery in a half hour." Nurse Ellen replied. After nurse Ellen and nurse Liz cleaned up Leeann's still unconscious coma induced body, then both nurses lifted Leeann's body onto another gurney and wheeled her to operation room A...........After Leeann was given a local anesthesia by another doctor, Dr Carol Grant came into operation room A, wearing green medical scrubs with a matching cap on her head with a operating mask to cover the lower part of her face, and after she sterilized her hands, Dr Carol Grant put on surgical rubber gloves. "All right then." Dr. Grant said as she finished putting on her last surgical glove to her medical assistant; "Time to cut off all the unwanted extra lose hanging skin from Mrs Schmidt's body." Then with the skill of a master surgeon, Dr. Grant started cutting away and removed all the lose hanging stretched skin from Leeann's body, which there was a lot of since Leeann's body had gotten so fat from her chocolate addiction. After Dr Carol Grant cut away all the unwanted extra lose hanging stretched skin from Leeann's body, Dr Carol Grant then did a little plastic surgery on Leeann's entire body to remove all the stretch marks she now had from getting so fat eating chocolate. After all the cosmetic surgery was completed on Leeann's entire body, Dr. Carol Grant took a small drill and drilled a tiny pin hole in the left side of the base of Leeann's brain stem and installed a very tiny rehabilitation computer chip, that would reprogram Leeann's mind to eat healthy and substitute fresh vegetables for chocolate. Both of Leeann's surgeries took Dr. Carol Grant ten hours to complete. After her two surgeries were completed, Leeann was bandaged up from head to toe like a mummy, and while Leeann continued to be kept in her induced coma by an even heavier sedative now, nurse Liz and nurse Ellen wheeled Leeann out of operation room A on another gurney to the recovery room.............In the recovery room nurse Liz and nurse Ellen removed Leeann's totally bandaged body from the gurney and gently placed her in a large cylinder body tube that looked like some kind of M.R.I. Once Leeann's totally bandaged body was in the large cylinder M.R.I. body tube, nurse Liz injected two small looking hypodermic needles that were connected to two small hoses. One hose would feed a green light steroid base medication that would speed up Leeann's healing process from her surgeries, and the other hose would feed healthy nutrients to Leeann's body to help her keep a thin figure while she was also being kept well fed at the same time. After nurse Liz completed hooking up the two hoses into Leeann's unconscious totally bandaged body, nurse Ellen then plugged into Leeann's head where the tiny pin hole had been drilled in the left side of the base of her brain stem, what looked like a very thin computer wire with a computer plug on the end into the tiny computer chip that Dr Carol Grant had installed during Leeann's surgery. After Leeann was all hooked up to her tubes and plugged into the master medical computer to help reprogram Leeann's rehabilitation program for her chocolate addiction, nurse Ellen picked up the wall phone in the recovery room and after dialing in Dr. Carol Grant's office extension number, she said into the phone receiver; "Dr Grant, L. Schmidt patent number 223456 is ready for her hibernation recovery program."..........After Dr Carol Grant thanked nurse Ellen for her call, after she hung up her phone Dr. Carol Grant started typing on the computer key board and noticed that her computer screen read; "L. SCHMIDT PATENT #223456 READY FOR COMPUTER DOWNLOAD ACTIVATION!" Then Dr. Carol Grant typed in the proper mixture of the green light steroid based medication she was proscribing Leeann as well as her daily nutrient needs. Then Dr Carol Grant changed the windows on her computer and started programming Leeann's chocolate addiction rehabilitation program, which would substitute the need for craving to eat chocolate with fresh vegetables which was a lot more healthier so Leeann wouldn't get fat again. After Dr. Carol Grant hit the enter button on her key borad the computer her screen red; "L. SCHMIDT PATENT #223456 COMPUTER DOWN LOAD PROGRAMMED AND ACTIVATED FOR THE NEXT 76 DAYS!" "Aw!" Dr Carol Grant said as she leaned back in her desk chair; "That's the last client for the day." Then she picked up her phone and dialed the phone extension of the nurses desk, and when nurse Liz answered on the second ring, Dr. Carol Grant said into the phone receiver; "Liz this is Carol. Since Mrs Schmidt was our last patent for today, how about you and I sneak out a little early and head back to my place for a few drinks, dinner and us honey?" "Sounds like a plan Carol. See you in the parking lot in ten minutes darling." Nurse Liz purred into the phone. After nurse Liz gave nurse Ellen specific instructions on how to monitor Leeann Schmidt by the computer screens at the nurse's desk, she quickly grabbed her hand bag and hurried off to the parking lot to meet Dr. Carol Grant at her black B.M.W. sedan................Since nurse Liz who was nurse Ellen's boss had left for the evening with her lesbian lover Dr Carol Grant, leaving nurse Ellen to monitor Leeann's computer programming on the night shift, after nurse Ellen sat at the nurses station command center for two hours monitoring Leeann's slow progress, nurse Ellen decided to slack off a bit and take a nap on the sofa in the employee's break room since nothing much was happening. After nurse Ellen fall sound asleep on the sofa in the employee's break room, fifteen miles away a very large thunder and lightning storm followed by a lot of heavy rain that came down in heavy sheets. As the storm moved west towards the building that housed; "The American Women's Redesigning Clinic," a very massively large lightning bolt hit the main power generator of the electric company that supplied electric power to the clinic. The very massively large lightning bolt caused such a massively large electrical power over load surge to; "The American Women's Redesigning Clinic!" The electrical power over load surge over rode and changed all of the programming Dr Carol Grant had programmed into her computer for Leeann's case, and now the computer main frame was reprogramming Leeann's timid mousy personality that frightened very easy with all of it's female knowledge from modern feminism to becoming a very independent woman with the mighty courage to be able to stand up to anyone or anything in life. Also the electronic computer surge also changed the percentage of the dosage of the green light steroid medication Dr. Carol Grant had prescribed Leeann, from 4% to 400,000,000%!............As the electrical power surge continued over loading; "The American Women's Redesigning Body Clinic," electrical system the metal M.R.I. cylinder that Leeann's totally bandaged unconscious induced coma body was laying in, was turning an extremely bright metal colored red from getting so intensely hot, while Leeann's unconscious coma induced, totally bandaged body was vibrating at the speed of light, as 400,000,000% of the green now very powerful steroid medication per second was flowing throughout her entire body while it was roasting in the extremely hot, glowing metal red M.R.I. cylinder! Then forty five minutes later the massively large electrical power surge ended as quickly as it had started, and all the medical computers and equipment went back to normal! But the M.R.I. cylinder continued glowing an evil red color as it was slowly cooling off. Nurse Ellen who was sleeping very soundly in the employee's break room throughout the entire rain storm didn't hear the strange inhumanly muffled growling sound that was coming from the M.R.I. cylinder that continued glowing an evil red color as it was slowly cooling off with Leeann's body inside, any more then nurse Ellen had seen the computer screen at the nurses command computer monitoring station that read; "L. SCHMIDT PATENT #223456 COMPUTER DOWN LOAD 100% COMPLETE! PATENT NOW BEING WOKEN UP FROM HER INDUCED COMA!" Then there was a very large metal banging sound that grew even louder by the moment like someone was hitting the inside of the M.R.I. cylinder inside walls with a sledge hammer that accompanied an even louder inhumanly growl then before, and causing large blowout dents in the outside walls of the M.R.I. cylinder. "GRRRR! I WANT SOME FRESH VEGETABLES NOW!" A muffled inhumanly voice growled from the inside of M.R.I. cylinder right before the last loud sledge hammer pounding sound cracked the cylinder casing of the M.R.I. right in half, causing a very large opening in the top of the M.R.I. cylinder while thick white vapor rised steam escaped! End Of Part 2!
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