A Possessively Sadistic Mother!-The Final Chapter!

Over the next several months my mother continued working out even harder then she had before while she continued using those highly powerful Russian steroids that were enhanced with male hormones, with an even more determination to become the strongest woman in the world, which mom thought would please me even more, and that was what I wanted her to become. But the truth of the matter was, I was starting to think my mother was becoming a monstrously strong, uncontrollable crazy woman who was very insecure about herself, and was too emotionally attached to me, her only son, after my father divorced her. By October, my mother's 5 foot 6 inch, 385 pound muscular body was so unbelievably freakishly huge, and mom was growing even bigger on a daily bases!.........My mother's continuing homemade weight lifting training program was starting to cost us so much money, that she set up a credit card website which she called; "The Woman Of Steel!" and many people started subscribing to watch my freakishly muscular monster mother workout lifting weights nude, while she'd also sexual please herself. In the first two months alone, mom made over $50,000.00! But it was this website that would get my mother in very big trouble! Mom who now enjoyed live streaming on her website to show off her freakishly, thick, engorged female muscular body, unbeknown to me also started secretly video recording our sexual relationship and our muscle worship sessions, and since I was now an under aged child at the age of 14 years old, and my mother was an adult now at the age of 32 years old, she was arrested for live streaming sexual assault of a minor..........The day my mother got arrested, the F.B.I. and other law enforcement agencies raided our house, and they confiscated mom's computer and recovered every video that she had made of our sexual relationship and muscle worship sessions. A federal judge sentenced my mother to thirty years in a federal prison for sexual abuse of a under aged child. In addition to the thirty year prison sentence, mom will be subjected to  lifetime supervision with very restricted contact with minors, and I wouldn't be able to visit her till I was 21 years old. My mother would also have very restricted contact with computer use monitoring systems, and she'd have to register herself as a child sex offender! The End!!        


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