The Alpha Woman Project!-5

Sharon picked up Ryan like he was a 2 year old child, then flung him over her left freakishly muscular right shoulder, and followed Missy to the treadmills. Sharon then put Ryan gently down on the floor, as she said to him like a mother warning her small child; "Be a very good boy for your muscle gal Ryan, I wouldn't want to have to giving your little bottom a spanking." Then Sharon let out another gigantic booming laugh, that again shook the gym very violently as she mounted the treadmill next to Missy's.......While the Alpha Woman Project was being set up and Ryan was finishing his first version of the strength serum, it was his assistant Missy who worked with the architect in designing this high tech gym, so Ryan could run his physical tests on his female test cases. Little did Ryan know at the time, that Missy had added a few improvements of her own in the designing stages of this high tech gym!.........After Missy explained to Sharon the different controls that could be used on the console, that could regulate the speed and raise or lower the rubber running track, to give one the advantage of running up or down a hill, Sharon and Missy then pressed their start buttons on her consoles, and started using the treadmills. They started running at a 5 mile an hour pace, and steadily increased it to a 10 miles an hour pace, then to a 15 miles an hour pace. Sharon's and Missy's feet were pounding harder and faster with each step they ran on the rubber running track. "It's not going fast enough! Sharon complained while she pushed another button on her console to speed her treadmill up even more, until she was now running at a 25 miles an hour pace! Sharon's now more deeper, even more throaty, huskier booming voice sounded completely the same. Sharon wasn't the slightest bit out of breath, but her huge, thick, ripped, muscular chest seemed  to be growing gigantically larger by the second, as Sharon deeply inhaled and exhaled running on her treadmill. "Still not fast enough Missy!" Sharon complained again........."I have an idea!" Missy said as she pushed a button on her console to speed up her own run. "This gym has a hyperbolic oxygen chamber." "What's that do?" Sharon asked as her own muscular legs were pounding like thunder while she continued running on her own treadmill. Both Sharon and Missy were now running faster, at an even more unbelievable speed, then it took to set the current Olympic record, to win the 100 meter dash! "It's like training and running at high altitudes. It will make you feel tired more quickly because the chamber has less oxygen, but that makes your body use the oxygen more efficiently." Missy explained. "With the way Ryan's strength serum is working on us Sharon, just think what the chamber could do for us!" "Sounds great Missy, let's give it a try!" Sharon agreed. She wasn't even breathing hard. Then Sharon and Missy stepped off their treadmills, and Sharon and Ryan followed Missy inside the hyperbolic oxygen chamber..........As soon as the door was shut, Missy set the chamber's controls, while she said; "I've set it for 15,000 feet." "Really?" Sharon took a deep breath. "It does feel a little funny, let's try it Missy." Then both women hopped on to another set of more heavy duty treadmills, after Sharon again made Ryan sit on the floor like a little boy to watch. "This is great Missy! Sharon said; "But it's not hard enough." Sharon then boosted her incline to 5%, then 10% to give herself a more rigorous up hill climb. "You've right Sharon." Missy said while she matched Sharon's incline. "I can go faster, can you?" "Of course Missy!" Sharon exclaimed; "It's very easy!" Both women were once again running at a 5 mile an hour pace, now up hill. Mean while Ryan had to crawl towards the wall while he gasped for breath, and lean against it for support as he sat on the floor, due to becoming a bit dizzy from the less oxygen in the chamber. While Ryan was trying to catch his own breath, Sharon and Missy sounded relaxed as they talked back and forth while they continued running on their treadmills up hill! "Hey Ryan, while you've not doing anything, please make this chamber, um, more hypo, or whatever, OK darling?" Sharon said. "It only goes to 20,000 feet Sharon." Missy said while she continued running on her treadmill. "I guess that would just have to do. Sharon replied.........Ryan didn't have enough oxygen to reply, and perhaps not enough to think straight with, but he got to his feet and staggered over to the controls and did as Sharon asked him. Ryan then heard "WHOOSH!" as more oxygen left the chamber, and he started feeling even more light headed, then before! Ryan then turned slowly back towards the two women running on the treadmills, and noticed that they were running even faster then before, breathing very deeply but very steadily and relaxed, as their huge, gigantic, thick, ripped muscular chests expanded and contracted with each inhale and exhale of their own breaths. Ryan's vision was getting blurry. It felt to Ryan, that each breath Sharon and Missy were breathing in, was sucking all the oxygen out of the air! It then seemed to Ryan, that the room started spinning, then he passed out cold! End Of Part 5            


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