My New Reconditioned Ex-Wife!-1
I haven't seem my ex-wife Patty since the day of our divorce at the county court house on May 12TH 2009. At that time my ex-wife's 5 foot 9 inch body weighed in at 405 pounds of thick rolls of fat, very jiggly flab, and was way to bloated for any normal person. Patty was way too over weight and out of shape in those days for her own good! How my ex-wife Patty had gotten that fat and heavy, was because during our 10 year marriage, Patty was a stay at home wife, who loved to watch her soap operas on T.V., while she at her junk food and drank 3 liter bottles of Pepsi. Another one of Patty's favorite things to do, was that she loved to go to restaurants that were all you could eat buffets, and Patty would spend hours chowing down at these restaurants, eating till her huge bloated belly felt like it was ready to explode! Then after paying the bill, as Patty exited the restaurant, she always walked bent over forward, holding her huge bloated pot belly in her hands, while she belched and farted all they to the car. Having sex with her had started getting extremely hard, as Patty continued eating like a horse and gaining weight. Every time we'd have sex, Patty face would turn a scary dark red, while she start breathing very heavy, trying to catch her breath from being so heavy and out of shape, and I was always afraid that she would have a heart attack, and drop dead on top of me! Before I did finally file for a divorce, I've tried to get Patty to lose weight, since I was getting very worried about her health. I took Patty to a doctor for a complete physical examination, and after the doctor put Patty on a strict 800 calorie a day diet, which she threw away after we got home. I got Patty a gym membership at Retro Fitness, that she never used even once. All Patty wanted to do is eat and stuff her face with food!.......Two months after out divorce, my ex-wife Patty was at the International House Of Pancakes, finishing up her 44TH plate of butter milk pancakes with a large amount of butter on top and covered with a heavy coat of maple syrup, and a large side of fried potato skins, when she started feeling a sharp vibrating pain in her chest. Patty put her right hand over her flabby left flabby breast, and she could feel her heart palpating fast and hard in her chest, like someone was dribbling a basketball! When the waitress came over to her booth to see if Patty wanted more pancakes or coffee, she was shocked to see Patty's face had turned a dark red, while she was breathing very heavy and holding her hand on her chest. "Are you alright?" The waitress asked sounding very worried. Patty replied as she gasped to catch her breath; "Please call 911....I think......I'm......having.....a heart attack! Then Patty passed out, collapsing on to the table and her face landed in her empty plate where a puddle of maple syrup was!!..............When Patty awoke, she found herself in the hospital emergency room, laying on her back and connected to a heart monitor, which was beeping very loudly, while the lines moved way too fast across the screen. The doctor who had taken her case, told Patty that she had a light heart attack, due to a major blockage in her arteries. The doctor gave Patty a long lecture, on obesity, and told her straight out that she was way too heavy for her own good, and he was going to see her do something about it! Then after the doctor gave Patty a seditive to put her to sleep, Patty was then medical transported to a health facility called Body Beautiful! End Of Part 1
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