Be Very Careful When Your Wife Starts Working Out At A Local Gym!-The Final Chapter!
For part of my wife's probation, the judge sentenced my wife Cathy six months to the county rehab center for her continuing usage of illegal steroids. For the first four weeks at the rehab center, Cathy wasn't allowed to have any visitors at all while she went through her detoxing cleansing period of getting the steroids out of her system, and she went through hell those first 4 weeks! After that, my wife went to group sessions with other women who were there for drug use as well, and I also hired her a very good doctor, for private sessions so my wife could be analyzed on why she was so obsessed with body building, and the constant need to keep growing bigger, stronger and even more muscular........After six months my wife Cathy was released from the county rehab center, and put on a two year probation, and was assigned to a probation officer by the judge. My wife Cathy's once huge, thick, ripped muscular body, had now shrunken down 5 sizes, and with the 10% of fat that she had gained, gave my wife a sexy strong, soft looking curvy shape which I liked even better! Cathy had still retained a good deal of muscle, since the rehab center let her lift weights in their gym, but they limited her to 2 hours a day, every other day, for a total of three times a week. As a welcome home present, I bought her a 200 pound steel weight set and a weight bench to work out with, but I too limited her working out to three times a week, and only I trained her. Cathy reported to her probation officer once a week, where she had to take her weekly drug test, to make sure she wasn't still using steroids............This all happened seven years ago, and my wife Cathy had been steroid free ever since, not to mention living the life of a normal house wife. After we moved to our new home, we both lived happily ever after! The End!
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