Big Bad Brenda!-2

The next morning I went over to Brenda's house to visit her, after her mother had brought her home from the emergency room. As I was just climbing the front steps of Brenda's front porch, her mother was exiting through their front door. "Oh hi Earl, I'm glad you've here. Brenda's been asking for you. I have to run some errands downtown, just go inside Brenda's in the kitchen and keep her company till I get back, okay?" "No problem Mrs. Jones." I said........I found Brenda sitting at the kitchen table holding an ice pack over her swollen right eye. I kissed her passionately on her mouth, as I sat down beside her. "Oh Earl, I was such a fool to think that I could take on a girl who was a semi-professional female boxer and win." Brenda said very apologetically; "But my over inflated ego just got the better of me, and I wanted to show off for my man." "You know Brenda, if you started a workout program and changed your diet, you could seriously get into shape to challenge Carla to another boxing rematch. "Ya think ya girl is a weakling Earl. Just feel how strong I am!" Brenda said as she flexed and held out her right dark black, flabby saddle bag arm. When I felt it, I said; "You don't seem to have much muscle tone Brenda." Brenda was starting to get very argumentative, and expose her bad attitude towards me because she thought I was insulting her, when she looked at her still flexed arm, and saw more under arm flabby hanging, then bicep popping up, as she asked; "Earl, ya into lifting weights to build up ya body for the wrestling team, think ya could whip me into shape so I could win a boxing rematch with that bitch Carla?" "I'll try honey, but we'll need some workout equipment." I said. As she took out a pad and pen out of one of her kitchen cabinet draws, Brenda said; "Earl just tell me what we need. My mom makes a lot of money and will buy me anything I want, and she spoils me rotten and let's me have anything I ask for, as long as I don't bother her when she brings her girl friends home for the night." "Your mom brings her girl friends home for the night?" I asked. "Yea Earl, my mom is an old fashion, still in the closet lesbian, who's not very open about her sexuality in public. Now what do we need to train me with honey?" Brenda asked.  "Okay Brenda." I said;  "We need a weight set, one with steel weight disks, not the plastic kind. A weight bench, a speed bag, a sparing bag, a jump rope, a couple of exercise mats, protein shake mix, muscle milk, a book on boxing and a book on weight lifting." Brenda looked up after she finished writing the list I dictated to her, and asked; "Is there any thing else ya need to train me Earl?" "Oh yea, I almost forgot!" I replied; "A set of boxing gloves." "Okay baby, give me a couple of days, and I'll have my mom buy us these things." Brenda said smiling.........Two days later as I was driving Brenda home from our last day of school which started our summer vacation, Brenda said; "Earl, my mom got me all the exercise equipment ya wanted me to get, and the delivery people set it all up in our basement." "That's great Brenda, we could start training you tomorrow morning." I said. "Yea Earl, but it gets even better." Brenda smiled at me; "My mom is going on a three month Hawaiian vacation with her girl friend Tammy, and we'll have the house totally to ourselves. Ya could sleep over Earl, in fact ya could sleep in my bed with me, and every night pump me full of ya male testosterone  sperm, to feed my growing muscles." "That's great Brenda, when does your mother leave on her trip?" I asked. "Mom and Tammy left this morning at 7:30am for the airport to catch a 9am flight to Chicago, then they've transferring to another direct flight to Honolulu. Ya could start sleeping over tonight, and we could start my workout program tomorrow morning." "Sounds like a plan Brenda." I said, as I stopped at a traffic light on the corner where the McDonald's was that we'd go to on our weekly dates. Brenda said; "Earl, pull in here I'm hungry." After the traffic light turned green I just drove ahead and passed McDonald's and said as I patted Brenda on her dark black, bloated pot belly; "As of right now Brenda you've in training and you've on very a strict diet! No more junk food for you, you've going cold turkey." Brenda started breathing heavy with anger, causing her huge breasts to heave up and down, as her short temper started to flare up, as she was starting to go into another one of her very argumentative bad attitudes, but right before she could give me the, BIG BAD BRENDA LOOK, I said; "Unless you want every one in town to find out how Carla beat the shit out of you last weekend at McDonald's, and want them to refer to you from now on as big wimpy Brenda." As she looked down and held her dark black, bloated pot belly in both of her big hands, Brenda growled in pure anger; "NO I DON'T EARL, AND I'LL DO WHATEVER IT TAKES TO KEEP MY BAD ASS REPUTATION OF BEING BIG BAD BRENDA!"..............The next morning I got Brenda up at 5am. After I used her blender to mixed her dark chocolate high protein shake powder, muscle milk, a dozen raw eggs, and unbeknown to Brenda, six blue steroid pills to give her an extra boost in her workout. I had obtained a large bottle of steroid pills from a friend of mine on who was on the football team, which I intended to secretly give Brenda without her knowing it. I wanted Brenda to get as big, strong, and muscular as she physically could, so she'd be able to beat Carla when they had their boxing rematch. I handed her the blender's pitcher with a very creamy dark chocolate shake, which I called; " Brenda's strength shake. Brenda took the blender's pitcher in her two big hands, and swallowed the shake in two large "GULPS!" After a second, as Brenda started to feel a super amount of energy cursing throughout her big burly body, with a wild look in her eyes, she said; "Earl, let's workout!"............I first had Brenda run three miles round trip from her house while I followed her with my beat up old Chevy. Then after we got back to her house I had her jump rope for 30 minutes straight without stopping, do military push-ups, sit ups, jumping jacks, and pull ups on a door frame. After I felt that she was warmed up, I then had Brenda workout on the speed bag for 30 minutes straight without stopping, and another 30 minutes straight on the sparing bag. After Brenda finished with the sparing bag I fed her another strength shake, and after she started to feel a super amount of energy cursing throughout her big burly body for the second time that day, I then put Brenda though such a rigorously, hard, complete upper and lower body weightlifting workout, that Brenda could barely move her big burly body when she was finished workout for the day........After we were finished, I helped a now very tired and exhausted Brenda upstairs from her basement, got her into a hot shower and washed off all her sweat, then I gave Brenda a complete deep body massage to help her very sore aching muscles. After I finished giving her a deep body massage, I now had to almost force feed, and make sure she didn't choke on her dinner, the very tired and totally exhausted Brenda, a high protein meal of pure beef and a spinach salad which I had her wash down with my own male testosterone sperm. Then after she finished her meal, I put the now extremely tired and totally exhausted Brenda to bed, and in less then a second after she hit her pillow, Brenda was sound asleep! This would go on every day, seven days a week straight, for the next five weeks! During the next five weeks I was totally amazed at how fast Brenda's dark black, big burly, flabby body was transforming into an even bigger burly, dark black muscular body, while she was becoming a lean, mean, boxing machine at the same time! End Of Part 2                         


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