The Stronger Body Equals A Healthier Mind Program!-2
Three months into my mother's stronger body equals a healthier mind program, as I was looking at my own disgustingly fat, flabby body in the bathroom mirror, with my now hugely, bloated pot belly and man tits, no matter how my reflection continued to disgust me, I still couldn't wait for my next meal! I was becoming just like the rest of the boys in my class, a real food junkie! As I was wondering how much fatter I could possibly get, I thought about what my mother would say, if she saw how fat and physically out of shape I had become. Then I realized, that I haven't seem my mother in three months, even though we were both sharing the same hotel suite, Sally had been getting her ready and out the door before I woke up, and had me leave an hour later, after I was stuffed with another huge breakfast...........As I was struggling to bend down and reach over my bloated pot belly, to put on my underwear briefs before I went to bed, I heard the front door of our suite open and then close, as the the muffled voices of Sally and my mother were having a conversation, that ended with women's giggles filled the living room. I slightly opened my closed bedroom door just enough, to see what was going on. Both Sally and my mother were standing there in the nude, while they passionately kissed and sexually fondled each other's naked muscular bodies. This little sex wrestling romp worked it's way across the living room of our suite, till both woman collapsed into one of the overly stuffed, black leather sofas, which sat directly across from my bedroom door. Not only did I have a great view of the lesbian sexual action that was going on in front of me, but I also heard every word they said...........As I continued to stare out my slightly opened bedroom door, I couldn't believe the transformation my mother's figure had gone through in just three short months. My mother had cut her long shoulder length raven black hair short, just above her ears, and had it styled with hair gel. Her face which had no make up on it, looked a lot thinner, and had a rougher more well defined look to it, like it was sculpted and chiseled out of stone. My mother's neck was solidly thick, with muscle that bulged out every time she'd turn her head, or swallowed. While her huge muscular, bowling ball shoulders, flowed down into two hugely, ripped muscular horseshoe triceps that held the major foundation for her two, solidly muscular basket ball sized biceps, that even when she slightly flexed them, softball sized muscular caps swelled up on top of her basketball sized biceps. My mother who had always had large breasts, seem to have even larger ones now, since she developed a steep mountain of pectoral muscles, behind each one of her large tits. My mother's once chubby, fat pot belly, was now as flat as a board, that was sculpted into the perfect steely set of twelve pack of abs. My mother's thickly muscular hips and muscular bubble shaped ass, were so tightly packed with muscle, that there wasn't any room left whatsoever, for an entire ounce of lose flab to hang anywhere. Her thick muscular thighs, and muscular diamond shaped calves, looked as thickly solid as two oak tree trunks...............After a while of kissing and sexually petting each other's muscular female bodies, my mother said while she sat in Sally's muscular lap, and held her muscular right arm around Sally's thickly muscular shoulders; "You know Sally, I can't wait till my divorce becomes final, so we could move in together." "Yea Maddy." Sally replied; "But first we have to do something about that son of yours." "Oh, I know what you mean Sally, Danny was an unwanted pregnancy that his father wanted me to have, and carrying him for 9 months straight really ruined my figure." I was very surprised hearing my mother saying that about me. "As far as Danny and those other male brats are concerned, we've stuffing them all like Thanksgiving Day Turkeys, with nothing but fatty, sugary foods to make them all big, fat, and very soft human marshmallows, that will all soon drop dead from major heart attacks, caused from their clogged arteries." Sally said in a matter of fact tone. "That's a great idea Sally." My mother said as she started nibbling on Sally's muscular neck. "It would finally free me from that unwanted motherhood that I've been stuck in, raising that little bastard these past 14 years." "That's great Maddy." Sally said as she got up; "It's time you get to bed sweetheart, you've got to pass your physical fitness test tomorrow morning." Then Sally kissed my mother goodnight and left.............Then my mother closed and locked the door after Sally exited through it, and when she turned around to head towards her own bedroom, she noticed something slightly amiss. My mother then slowly creep ed up from a wider angle, that I couldn't see her through the creak I had been watching her and Sally from, then all of a sudden, she ripped my bedroom door off it's hinges, while she leaped forward and, as I sprung back in fright, my mother landed right on top of my fat, flabby body! "Oh Danny! You feel so nice and cuddly, like a giant teddy bear." My mother cooed. Then with a blink of an eye, she grabbed my throat with her strong right hand, and as she arched her eye brows in a very hatred look, my mother said in an extremely nasty tone; "You've been spying on me and Sally, haven't you, you huge, fat tub of lard!" "I didn't mean to mom." I croaked, as her grip began getting even tighter around my throat. Then as a very wicked smile crossed my mother face, she said; "I'd snap your fat little neck right now tubby and be done with you once and for all, but Sally has some special plans for you, and right now your mommy wants to play with her real live cuddly giant teddy bear."..........Then as my mother started to get off of me, she wedged her strong hands underneath my arm pits, and lifted my disgustingly fat, flabby body off the bedroom floor, and all the way up till she held me up with her strong, thickly muscular arms above her head. Then my mother started pumping out rep after rep, while she over head pressed my heavy fat body above her head. While my mother continued over head pressing me, she started chanting out loud over and over; "A STRONGER BODY EQUALS A HEALTHIER MIND!" In between counting out her reps, which she started grunting under the strain of my now heavy body weight, as she pumped out her last 6 reps "95, ohm 96, aw, 97, 98, ugh, 99, aw ugh, 100!" Then after the 100 rep, my mother tossed me on to the bed, which broke under the impact of my heavy body weight. Then before I realized what was happening, she again leaped on top of me, and while she pressed her thickly muscular body weight against my fat, flabby, bloated body, my mother then held my hands down above my head. "Danny, let's see if you've still stronger then your little mommy is, okay?" My mother said as she laughed hysterically like a crazy person. "Come on my little lard ass, is that all you've got for strength?" My mother ridiculed me as I struggled to push her strong muscular body off of me. As my mother continued to press down on me harder with her brute strength, she said, as she laughed even crazier now, like a raging lunatic; "I guess my little Danny is a real sissy boy, who couldn't even beat his own mommy in a test of strength." "Mom, please, I beg you, you've having one of your bipolar syndrome, personality disorder delusions. Please let's just go home tonight and get away from this crazy place. You could continue to lift weights and build up your body at home, while I make sure you stay on your medications, okay?" I begged and pleaded as my mother was still crushing me underneath her huge, thickly muscular body, while she still had my hands pinned down on my pillow.............."YOU TAKE CARE OF ME, YOU FAT, USELESS LITTLE DOUGH BOY! HA! HA! THAT A REAL LAUGH! BESIDES THIS IS MY HOME NOW, WITH SALLY, AT LEAST IT WILL BE AFTER I'M RID OF YOU, ONCE AND FOR ALL!" My mother screamed at the top of her lungs, which made her sound even more mentally out of control like crazy lunatic! Then my mother let go of my hands, and while she still had my heavy fat body pinned down with her thickly muscular legs, she sat up and started punching my hugely, bloated pot belly like a punching bag, which made a muffled; "Thump-a-thump-a-thump-a," sound. After my mother finished pounded my hugely, bloated pot belly with her strong hard punches, another one of her crazy lunatic ideas crossed her mind. As a very wild and crazy sadistic look crossed her face, my mother casually replied; "You know Danny, your mom's been more then a little horny lately, so I THINK I'M GONNA RAPE THE SHIT OUT OF YOU DOUGH BOY!" Then my mother forced herself sexually on me, and fucked me so hard, while she continued beating on me, that by the time she finally finished with me, I could barely move without feeling a huge amount of pain! "Well it's getting late Danny, time for you to hit the hay." My mother said, as she started acting normal again, and kissed me on my forehead. Then just before my mother was ready to exit my bedroom and turn off the lights, she turned to look at me as that wild and crazy sadistic looked crossed her face again, and said in an even more sadistic tone; "THE NEXT TIME I CATCH YOU SPYING ON ME, I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!" End Of Part 2
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