The Powerfully Strong Vitamin Diet Supplement!-1
When I first married my wife Karen in 2004, I knew she was the woman of my dreams. Karen was 5 foot 5 inches tall, and she was a solid 230 pounds of huge tits, chubby butt and big thighs, just my kind of woman! Karen had just a little more in the belly department then I liked, but with the rest of the package, I was very happy to over look her chubby little pot belly. Other then her huge tits and slightly flabby pot belly, Karen was a fairly solid athletic woman. I wouldn't be surprised to see a woman with Karen's body type, minus the huge tits, playing soccer or softball, and she surprisingly told me that she played basketball in high school, even with those huge tits. Our sexual life was intense and very frequent for the first few years of our marriage..........Over the next 8 years of our marriage, Karen was a stay at home wife who loved to cook and bake, not to mention having a very hearty appetite as well, started to really pack on the pounds! My wife Karen was on the see food diet. If Karen saw it, she ate it! At first Karen gaining weight didn't bother me, her huge tits grew even larger, as well as her butt and big thighs, but it was her small pot belly that grew to the size of a large beach ball, that caused her the most problems. Every time Karen bent forward to tie her sneakers, she would get very out of breath just trying to reach over her growing beach ball belly. Karen couldn't even walk from one room to another in our large home, with out needing to sit down a moment to catch her own breath. Even though I've never asked my wife how much she weighed, and Karen never weighed herself since we didn't own a scale, I roughly estimated in my mind, that the 230 pound woman that I'd married 8 years ago, must be tipping the scales at a very hearty 400 pounds, or more! Then I thought to myself; "If I don't find a way to get my wife Karen to lose some serious weight, she might just drop dead of a heart attack some day!...........One day I went out and bought a treadmill, a rowing machine, an exercise bike, a steel weight set and a weight bench. After setting up a home gym in our basement, I figured that I could get Karen interested in working out with me, and get her to lose some weight. When I showed my wife Karen our new home gym I had set up in our basement, her response to me was; "Honey, why do I need to start working out? I already have a man who loves my luscious fluffy body the way it is." I was very frustrated, I didn't know what else to do, till one night I saw a powerfully strong vitamin supplement advertised on T.V.........That evening while we were watching 2 And A Half Men, when a commercial was coming on, my now very heavy wife Karen got up and waddled into the kitchen to get the large plate of brownies she'd baked earlier that day, and a large glass of milk. While Karen was in the kitchen, I sat through a commercial about a new powerful vitamin diet supplement for women, called Vitamin V! The announcer claimed that Vitamin V was the most powerful diet supplement that could control the most heartiest of female appetites, just 2 pills a day would melted away fat, while developing lean strong solid muscles on a woman. After seeing the before and after pictures, I rushed out later that night to by a bottle for Karen My next problem was trying to trick my wife Karen into taking 2 Vitamin V pills a day........The next morning I got up 10 minutes earlier then Karen did. After I made a pot of coffee, I filled Karen's cup and dropped 2 Vitamin V pills into it. I should have read the directions, if I had, I would have read that mixing Vitamin V with enriched iron and caffeine, would cause the enriched iron to react like a natural steroid, causing a woman to burn off fat at a very accelerated speed, while at the same very accelerated speed would cause the same woman to grow huge muscles and super human strength!.........I walked Karen's cup of coffee with the Vitamin V mixed in, into our bedroom, and I handed it to her. Karen rubbed her huge beach ball belly, as she said; "Boy Jeff, I'm so hungry, I could eat 3 stacks of pancakes." Then Karen drank her cup of coffee with the 2 Vitamin V pills. As she handed me back the empty cup, Karen said while she rubbed her huge beach ball belly; "You know Jeff, for some strange reason, I'm not hungry anymore, in fact I feel so full, like I'm very bloated." Then Karen let out a very large belch and a fart, the kind you would do after eating a very large meal.......After I finished getting dressed for work, I looked all over the house and couldn't find my wife anywhere. Finally I found Karen in our basement huffing and puffing while she rode the exercise bike I had bought her months ago. When I asked Karen why she decided to start exercising all of a sudden, her response to me in between her huffing and puffing was; "Jeff, I feel, like I, need to, burn, off, so much, nervous, energy." I kissed my wife goodbye then went to work thinking, buying that Vitamin V was the best investment I made this year! End Of Part 1
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