The Powerfully Strong Vitamin Diet Supplement!-7

As my wife Karen continued slowly lifting me up and down while using me as her human barbell while doing bicep curls, she said matter of fact; "You know Jeff, I could get back at you for forcing me to lose weight and exercise 9 months ago, when you started slipping those Vitamin V pills in my coffee. I think that now I'm now strong enough to do anything I wanted to do to you to get even, if I wanted to. In fact my darling husband, you couldn't stand a chance of stopping me, or even defending yourself in a physical fight with me, but I don't think that would be too much fun for either one of us. After all Jeff," Karen paused for effect while she continued doing her bicep curls with me; "You are the reason why I now have this fantastic muscular female physique, and the reason I now have the drive and determination to become a professional female body builder. I guess in some way I should be thanking you Jeff, for unlocking the potential in me to make this all happen."...........Then Karen gently dropped my body on our carpeted living room floor, intentionally bouncing me off her big, thick, muscular, 44 triple D breasts, which produced in me an ever greater level of being horny then I've ever experienced in my life before! I was just as amazed that my wife Karen's upper body was as thick and muscular on top, as her lower body was. My wife's legs were as thick and solid as two oak tree trunks! "So what do you think Jeff?" Karen asked me with a sultry tone in her voice. "It's totally amazing Karen." I said, before I realized Karen meant her entire muscular female physique. Karen just held her hands on her muscular hips, while she tilted her head back and let out a very loud booming laugh.........My wife Karen's loud booming laugh shook her mighty muscular chest. I couldn't help but look up at her incredible 44 triple D tits bouncing up and down and of course Karen noticed. Karen then inhaled deeply and swelled up her huge, incredibly muscular pecs, alternating and flexing one then the other, as her incredible 44 triple D tits bounced right up and out of the sports bra she was wearing. Even more incredibly noticeable, was that my wife Karen's 44 triple D tits sat on top of two very thick mountains of pectoral muscles........"Yea Jeff, I know you always thought so about my tits, but I meant the rest of my ripped muscular physique." My wife Karen then tensed up her freakishly huge, ripped muscular body, causing her thick muscular quads, her huge thick muscular chest with their 44 triple D breasts, thick muscular shoulders, and spreading out her lats, while she tightened up her thick muscular arms at her sides. My wife Karen was already unbelievably freakishly muscular in size, but this pose made her muscularity double in size! It was totally, amazingly, unbelievable to see! I stood up and involuntarily took a step back, and I noticed that my wife Karen recognized the fear in my eyes, because Karen's own eyes took on an even harder gleam then they had before, while a very evil wicked smile cross her face. "What can I say Karen?" I said haltingly. "I knew you had some potential to build muscle three months after I started slipping those Vitamin V diet supplement pills into your coffee, but I would have never thought Karen, that in my wildest dreams you would get this big and muscular. You totally went from being a very flabby marshmallow, to one hell of a gorgeous muscular goddess!" "Thanks Jeff." Karen said while that sexy little smile formed on her lips, that I fell in love with 8 years ago. "Kirk refers to me at the gym, as his muscular Mona Lisa, the best work he has ever done as a personal trainer with a woman." Then Karen held her hand up to her mouth again to stifle another little giggle, as she said; "I really need to get a bicarbonate soda, to get rid of this gastritis indigestion........I was starting to get pissed off. Not only was my wife Karen spending more time on a daily bases with her personal trainer Kirk, but it seemed that by having my wife bleach her once chestnut brown hair platinum blond, and taking her to get a tattoo, not to mention telling her to stay celibate with me, her own husband, it almost seemed like Kirk was turning my wife Karen into and redesigning her into his type of woman! Not to mention turning my wife Karen physiologically against me! My wife Karen wasn't schizophrenic before she started working out at Gold's Gym and training with Kirk!..........Then before I could ask my wife Karen directly was she having an affair with her personal trainer Kirk, she went into a double bicep pose, showing off two very striking freakishly large, thickly muscular biceps. I guess she was saving this for the finally. When Karen brought up her thick muscular arms and struck that massive bicep pose, I had the largest hard on I've ever had in my entire life! My wife Karen's huge muscular arms, were so peaked and defined that when she was ready to compete at the Ms. Olimpia body building contest, she would blow away another female body builder who entered that same competition!   End Of Part 7   


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