The Powerfully Strong Vitamin Diet Supplement!-9
To demonstrate, my wife Karen tightened her grip on my pajama top, and lowered me slowly back down, then she thrust me upwards in one clean lift. It was a very smooth motion, Karen's right bicep tightened up in unison with her thick muscular shoulder, and right pectoral muscles, to raise my 280 pound body in front of her, then my wife's right bicep and triceps muscles swelled up with such a great amount of super strength, to give that last push to lift my 280 pound body over her head. I was totally amazed! I've never seen anything like this in my life before! I thought about the power lifter videos I've seen on the online video sights, and I've never saw anyone, man or woman, do a lift like this at 280 pounds with out even straining once.........I was totally flabbergasted! My wife was tossing me around like I was a rag doll, and I weighed 280 pounds! How strong had my wife Karen gotten in the last 6 months? While my wife continued holding me up with her gigantically, huge, strong right arm, Karen looked down at the bulge underneath my pajama bottoms. Then Karen looked back up into my eyes while a very wicked grin surfaced on her lips. "Jeff, I think you like what you see." Karen said, while her strong left hand started rubbing my crotch. "Karen, how many sets of reps are you doing with 70 pounds more then my body weight?" I asked now sounding a more then a little nervous. I was starting to get worried that my now freakishly strong, muscular wife was going to tear me apart, limb from limb.........."A great deal of a number of sets of reps a day." My wife Karen said with that same wicked smile, then Karen showed me that it would seriously take a great number of lifts like this one to wear her out, and she lifted me up and down another 25 times with out stopping once! Then wife Karen said; "I have an idea Jeff. I know I can lift you up like this, but since you've lighter then the amount of steel weights I normally lift, I thought maybe you could give me a little work out. Jeff, why don't you struggle against me while I'm holding you up in the air, then you could help my stabilizer muscles. I'd really appreciate the help Jeff, it's tough to get that kind of training with steel weights, and it's not like they make a 280 pound shake weight." Then Karen switched arms and held me up with her gigantically huge, strong left arm Then my wife Karen set me back down, slowly, grinning wickedly as she did it, then in one clean jerk I went up again, with no sign of a strain or a struggle on my wife's face, just a serene, knowing smile. After I shook myself in the air, as violently as I could, for the next 45 minutes I was my wife Karen's human shake weight!..........Then Karen again noticed the bulge in my pajama bottoms, which now had grown even larger under the fabric. My wife Karen started giving the material over my big erection baby kisses, that drove me so sexually crazy, words couldn't describe how horny I was at that moment! My wife then said in a very flirtatious tone; "Jeff, I bet you would sell your soul to the devil right now, to make love to your gigantically, thick, muscular wife, huh darling?" "Oh please Karen." I begged like I've never begged before in my life! "Oh please Karen, I can't take being celibate any more, and I want to make love to you very desperately, can't we have sex tonight?" Karen then lowered me down till our faces were level, and she said very romantically; "I'd love that more then anything else in the world Jeff." Then Karen french kissed me, with her tongue down my throat. This french kiss lasted for more then five minutes. Then after the kiss was over, Karen looked at me straight in the eyes, while she said with a matter of fact tone in her voice; "I'd love that more then anything else in the world Jeff, but remember Kirk's number one rule! I must stay celibate to conserve my energy, strength and stamina for my weight lifting sessions, while I'm in training for the Ms. Olympia body building contest. Besides Jeff, we've been celibate 6 months already, 3 more months wouldn't hurt us." Then as my wife Karen gently tossed me on to our sofa, she said; "Okay Jeff, play time is over, now it's time for our talk." And again my wife Karen put an emphasis on the word 'talk', that made me a more then a little nervous! End Of Part 9
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