My Big Strong Ukrainian Wife!-1
I've had a very happy marriage these past 15 years with my wife Olga. My wife Olga was a very solidly built woman who stood at 5 foot 9 inches tall, grew up on a farm in the Ukraine and wasn't afraid of doing hard work. As a stay at home wife, Olga worked very hard to keep a nice home for me, as well as doing a lot of the heavy chores around the house as well. Like mowing the lawn, chopping the firewood and lugging it in the house and stacking it near our fireplace, shoveling the snow in the winter time no matter how deep it was, just to name a few of the chores my wife Olga loved to do for me. Olga had that special personality trait, very old fashioned in her Eastern European thinking, but not only did Olga feel she needed to be very willing to work hard, but she also wanted so badly to please to me, her husband. Olga also felt that she needed to work as hard as she could, to earn her own keep as well, within our household! Once again, it was Olga's very old fashioned Eastern European thinking. Olga and I owned a lovely ranch home designed like a log cabin, that sat on four acres of wooded land...........On a warm and sunny Saturday morning early in October, I was sitting in my den paying some of the household bills on my lap top computer, when from the window behind my desk, I heard the sound of an ax chopping wood outside. When I looked out of the window, I saw Olga busy at work chopping and splitting firewood. As soon as she split a log, Olga would casually toss it on to a large pile of split firewood, and from the size of her finished pile of firewood, Olga had already split enough firewood to keep us warm till the next fourth of July! As I continued watching my strong Ukrainian wife chopping and splitting firewood, Olga who was still unaware that I was watching her, stopped chopping wood and removed the heavy gray sweat shirt she was wearing, and underneath she was wearing a white sleeveless t-shirt. After Olga let her gray sweat shirt drop to the ground, she raised her left hand towards her forehead, to wipe away her own sweat. As Olga lifted her left arm to wipe away her sweat from her forehead, a large bicep muscle the size of a baseball popped up on my wife's left arm. "HOLY SHIT!" I thought to myself; "If Olga got muscles that size from just doing hard work around our house, I wonder how big my wife's muscles could get if she seriously started working out?" Up to now I've always fantasized about strong muscular women, and all this time I was married to one! Then I made a mental note in my mind, to talk to my wife later, and see if Olga would be interested in lifting weights and seriously building up her body..........Later that night I watched as Olga was getting dressed for bed, and as her solidly built body was bustling around our bedroom. As I laid back watching Olga, I enjoyed her wide, round hips and butt. Olga's long legs were slightly toned and very stocky, and those large breasts, the kind you'd love to smother your face in. Once she got into bed, I climbed on top of my wife with a very large erection, while I thought about how my wife Olga's left arm's bicep had popped up to the size of a baseball earlier when she wiped the sweat off her forehead after chopping firewood, and I then started fucking my wife very fast and very hard, till we both climaxed in unison!........After we finished our current loving making session, as we were spooning and romantically kissing each other, I causally asked Olga; "Darling, would you flex your arm and show me your muscle?" "Sure my darling husband, anything to make to happy." Olga replied, sounding very happy and willing to please her husband. Then Olga stretched out her left arm and started to flex it. The same baseball sized bicep popped up once again, and this time I felt it, and it was thick and hard as a rock! "You know darling, you seem to naturally be able to develop muscles, which isn't an easy quality for just any woman." I said. "Yes, I know John." Olga said, wanting to get back to romantically kissing with me. "I was wondering darling." I said, wondering what wife Olga would think about me asking her to start lifting weights and working out to build up her body, hopefully Olga was as willing to please me on this, as she was about everything else in our marriage. "I was wondering darling, would you be interested in lifting weights and body building?" A big smile crossed Olga's face, as she said; "Oh John, when I was a little girl back in the Ukraine, I always dreamed of lifting weights and becoming big and strong like a Russian Olympic female power lifter. Even though I'm too old to be in the Olympics now, I'd still like to lift weights and build up my body to become big and strong, I'm very willing to workout very hard to please my husband, but only if you want me to John." "Yes Olga I want you to lift weights and become big and strong, the bigger and stronger you get, the better Olga!!!" I said, getting very excited fantasizing about my wife's body all pumped up and ripped with bulging muscles. "Okay John, tomorrow morning I'll go out and by a weight set and bench, and after I set it up in our guest bedroom, I'll start working out, in between taking care of our house and my other chores." Olga said, now sounding very happily willing to please me, in building up her muscles. Then my wife kissed me good night and rolled over and fell asleep. As Olga slept, she dreamt about winning a gold medal at the Olympics power lifting competition.........The next morning at 6:30am when I awoke, Olga was already out of bed and heading down to a sporting goods store to buy her weight set and bench. My wife came back with a 1000 pound steel weight set and a heavy duty weight bench, which Olga refused my help in unloading out of her Dodge Caravan, and setting it up in our guest bedroom. Olga's exact words to me were; "John, I need to get use to handing these heavy weights all by myself, if I'm ever going to build up the muscular body you want me to have darling." Then after Olga made five trips from her Dodge Caravan to our house, half carrying, and half dragging her heavy weight set and heavy duty weight bench, my wife then set up her home gym in our guest bedroom, and started planning out her workout plan. End Of Part 1
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