My Mother Became A Monstrously Muscular Amazon!-4

When my mother and I got to the supermarket, Jazz grabbed two shopping carts and headed into the store with me following her. My mother bought 100 gallons of spring water, 120 bottles of a very powerful laxative and stool softener, and the entire supermarket's inventory of skinless chicken breasts and spinach. By the time we paid for everything at the cash register, Jazz just got our mini van and drove it up to the front of the store, and pushed out both shopping carts on her own, as I loaded up the mini van. After we loaded our mini van for the third time today, Jazz then drove us home........While we were driving home, my mother pulled into the parking lot of an empty strip mall, and parked in front of a store that looked empty and abandoned, with news paper covering the windows. As my mother put the Dodge Caravan in park and shut off the motor, she said; "Wait here in the van Steven, I need to see someone about a personal matter." Then Jazz grabbed her purse and got out of the mini van, and walked up to the empty store, and knocked three times before it opened just enough, for her to squeeze through to enter, then the door shut again behind her.........Once inside Jazz asked a tall, very powerfully built, muscular Russian woman; "Yo Valeda, do you have what I need?" "DA! I got the highly potent Russian steroids you've ordered Jazz, the kind female Olympic Russian power lifters use!" Valeda replied with a thick Russian accent, as she placed a black leather case in front of Jazz, while she UN-zipped it and opened it up. In side of the case, was 100 bottles of a sickening green colored liquid, with 100 empty hypodermic needles. Then Valeda said in her thick Russian accent; "This powerful liquid will turn any normal woman into the She-Hulk, but I must warn you Jazz, there could be very bad side effects." What type of side effects Valeda?" Jazz asked sounding a little worried. "Who knows?" Valeda said in her thick Russian accent, as she shrugged her shoulders; "Some women use this powerful steroid like me, and no side effects because I don't abuse it. But other women abuse this steroid by using too much, and either they start to grow male sexual organs, or their hearts explode in their chests from getting too big and muscular." "I'll take my chances Valeda, I don't have an addictive personality." Jazz said as she opened her purse and removed a white envelope that contained $10,000.00 cash inside. After Valeda counted the money, she handed over the black leather case with the Russian steroids inside and said in her thick Russian accent; "Have fun lifting weight and building up your muscles Jazz." "Oh I will Valeda." Jazz said as she zipped up the black leather case that contained the powerful Russian steroids, and headed for the door......Once out side, Jazz carried the black leather case containing the powerful Russian steroids back to the mini van. After she got behind the wheel, she slid the black leather case underneath the driver's seat. "What's that Jazz?" I asked. My mother turned to me and said; "Just a special type of tampons, for that time of the month Steven." But her eyes said; "Mind your own business!" Then my mother started the mini van, and drove us home..........After we returned home, I started unloading the mini van, while Jazz took the black leather case inside and hid it so I wouldn't know what was in it. Then my mother returned just in time to help me unload and carry the six extremely heavy cartons that contained the Omega 5000 Weight Lifting System, into our garage, where Jazz wanted me to set it up. While I spent the rest of that Saturday afternoon and evening setting up my mother's new weight lifting home gym in our garage, my mother spent the rest of that Saturday afternoon and evening in the bathroom emptying out her bowels to lose body fat, after she started drinking her spring water and powerful laxative stool softener cocktails. Jazz was so determined to lose another 15 to 20 pounds, and bring her fat percentage down to 0% in three weeks time, that no matter how much this strict diet took a toll on her, Jazz wasn't going to give it up! End Of Part 4        


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