My Mother's Continued Obsession With Body Building!-5
As I continued admiring my mother's gorgeous muscular female physique, the perspiration on her creamy white skin, as the sun light shined through the garage windows, gave bright highlights to the contours of my mother's amazingly huge muscles. As I started to compliment my mother on her results from the past six months of heavily working out lifting weights, the unusual electrical humming and thumping sound grew louder, as I walked closer towards where my mother was still sitting on her workout bench, with her back towards me. My mother's hands frantically reached underneath the towel that she was still holding on her lap. Then the unusual electrical humming and thumping sound stopped, as the towel fell off her lap and landing on the garage floor, revealing a huge black industrial strength vibrator, that protruded out from between her thickly muscular legs.........With a slow and steady exhalation, my mother slid the glistening three inch diameter shaft out of her muscular wet pussy, and let it fall to the workout mat on the garage floor. Then my mother covered her face in shame and pleaded; "I'm so sorry Steven, I didn't plan on using a mechanical sexual device, but I've never lifted this hard before with this much heavy steel weights, and I just couldn't do it without having so many major orgasms. But if you want me to, I'll stop."........"Well Jazz, I am a little concerned that my 13 year old throbbing cock isn't any competition for the feelings you get from that highly powerful dildo machine." I said with an angry tone in my voice. Then after thinking about it for a few seconds, the tone in my voice softened, as I said; "But I think in this case Jazz, you'll need to use it in my place though. Next week is Thanksgiving, and I'm off for a four day weekend. I know usually we both go to grandma's house for Thanksgiving dinner and stay the whole weekend, but since you've on such a strict diet, not to mention being tightly scheduled by Valeda with your training, that I'd just go to grandma's house alone, and spend the weekend." "That's a good idea Steven, and since I'll be so busy with Valeda training, there's no reason why you should hang around our house all weekend doing nothing. I'll ask Valeda to pick you up after school next Wednesday afternoon and drive you to your grandma's house for the holiday weekend, okay?"...........Spending the holiday weekend at my grandma's was very excruciating for me. Whenever I called either my mother's cell phone, or our house phone, I always ended up talking to her voice mail. My mother never called me back in person the entire weekend, but she'd just leave me either voice or text messages relating that the heavily scheduled workout program, and dancing posing routine Valeda was putting her through was going extremely well, and because of all the long hours she was putting into her body building contest preparations, she no time to spend on the phone having a conversation with anyone. But she hoped I was having fun hanging out with my cousins at my grandma's house, and that she loved and missed me very much. Early on Saturday evening around 6pm while my mother was having one of her six hour naps, Valeda called me and gave me an even better detailed account on how much more muscle my mother had packed on these past three days. Valeda said in her thick Russian accent; "Steven your mother's been working out like a true champion, but her growing muscular development was starting to slow down, so I needed to increase the amount of st," Valeda paused, remembering that my mother swore her to secret about using those highly powerful Russian steroids to increase my mother's strength and muscular potential, and that my mother didn't want me to know she was using them. So after Valeda caught herself, she said in her thick Russian accent; "So I needed to increase the amount of multi-vitamin supplements, to help build your mother up even more!" Then Valeda before she ended the conversation, said how much my mother loved and missed me, and how she couldn't wait till I came home. End Of Part 5
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